From 2aaf3ff42a7b286f4c3266be1d32d0d84552e481 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Cyrille Bagard <>
Date: Mon, 8 Feb 2021 00:26:30 +0100
Subject: Fixed the documentation.

 plugins/pychrysalide/plugins/plugin.c | 82 ++++++++++++++++++-----------------
 plugins/pychrysalide/plugins/plugin.h |  2 +-
 2 files changed, 44 insertions(+), 40 deletions(-)

diff --git a/plugins/pychrysalide/plugins/plugin.c b/plugins/pychrysalide/plugins/plugin.c
index e5ee1ad..c1cc794 100644
--- a/plugins/pychrysalide/plugins/plugin.c
+++ b/plugins/pychrysalide/plugins/plugin.c
@@ -294,24 +294,24 @@ static int py_plugin_module_init(PyObject *self, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds)
     "* *_desc*: a string for a human readable description of the plugin;\n" \
     "* *_version*: a string providing the version of the plugin;\n"         \
     "* *_url*: a string for the homepage describing the plugin;\n"          \
-    "* *_actions*: a tuple of pychrysalide.PluginModule.PluginAction"       \
-    " defining the features the plugin is bringing; this list can be"       \
-    " empty.\n"                                                             \
+    "* *_actions*: a tuple of"                                              \
+    " pychrysalide.plugins.PluginModule.PluginAction defining the features" \
+    " the plugin is bringing; this list can be empty.\n"                    \
     "\n"                                                                    \
     "Depending on the implemented actions, some of the following methods"   \
     " have to be defined for new classes:\n"                                \
-    "* pychrysalide.PluginModule._init_config();\n"                         \
-    "* pychrysalide.PluginModule._notify_plugins_loaded();\n"               \
-    "* pychrysalide.PluginModule._include_theme();\n"                       \
-    "* pychrysalide.PluginModule._on_panel_creation;\n"                     \
-    "* pychrysalide.PluginModule._on_panel_docking();\n"                    \
-    "* pychrysalide.PluginModule._handle_binary_content();\n"               \
-    "* pychrysalide.PluginModule._handle_loaded_content();\n"               \
-    "* pychrysalide.PluginModule._handle_format_analysis();\n"              \
-    "* pychrysalide.PluginModule._preload_format();\n"                      \
-    "* pychrysalide.PluginModule._attach_debug_format();\n"                 \
-    "* pychrysalide.PluginModule._process_disassembly_event();\n"           \
-    "* pychrysalide.PluginModule._detect_external_tools()."
+    "* pychrysalide.plugins.PluginModule._init_config();\n"                 \
+    "* pychrysalide.plugins.PluginModule._notify_plugins_loaded();\n"       \
+    "* pychrysalide.plugins.PluginModule._include_theme();\n"               \
+    "* pychrysalide.plugins.PluginModule._on_panel_creation;\n"             \
+    "* pychrysalide.plugins.PluginModule._on_panel_docking();\n"            \
+    "* pychrysalide.plugins.PluginModule._handle_binary_content();\n"       \
+    "* pychrysalide.plugins.PluginModule._handle_loaded_content();\n"       \
+    "* pychrysalide.plugins.PluginModule._handle_format_analysis();\n"      \
+    "* pychrysalide.plugins.PluginModule._preload_format();\n"              \
+    "* pychrysalide.plugins.PluginModule._attach_debug_format();\n"         \
+    "* pychrysalide.plugins.PluginModule._process_disassembly_event();\n"   \
+    "* pychrysalide.plugins.PluginModule._detect_external_tools()."
     /* Initialisation d'un objet GLib */
@@ -454,8 +454,8 @@ static bool py_plugin_module_manage_wrapper(GPluginModule *plugin)
     "Abstract method called to react to several steps of the plugin"    \
     " life.\n"                                                          \
     "\n"                                                                \
-    "The expected action is a pychrysalide.PluginModule.PluginAction"   \
-    " value.\n"                                                         \
+    "The expected action is a"                                          \
+    " pychrysalide.plugins.PluginModule.PluginAction value.\n"          \
     "\n"                                                                \
     "This method has to be defined in order to handle actions such as"  \
     " *PLUGIN_LOADED*."                                                 \
@@ -518,8 +518,8 @@ static void py_plugin_module_notify_plugins_loaded_wrapper(GPluginModule *plugin
     "Abstract method called once all the (native?) plugins are"         \
     " loaded.\n"                                                        \
     "\n"                                                                \
-    "The expected action is a pychrysalide.PluginModule.PluginAction"   \
-    " value.\n"                                                         \
+    "The expected action is a"                                          \
+    " pychrysalide.plugins.PluginModule.PluginAction value.\n"          \
     "\n"                                                                \
     "This method has to be defined in order to handle actions such as"  \
     " *NATIVE_PLUGINS_LOADED* or *PLUGINS_LOADED*."                     \
@@ -582,9 +582,10 @@ static void py_plugin_module_include_theme_wrapper(const GPluginModule *plugin,
     METH_VARARGS,                                                       \
     "Abstract method called once all the native plugins are loaded.\n"  \
     "\n"                                                                \
-    "The expected action is a pychrysalide.PluginModule.PluginAction"   \
-    " value and the *dark* parameter indicates if a dark theme is"      \
-    " being to get loaded.\n"                                           \
+    "The expected action is a"                                          \
+    " pychrysalide.plugins.PluginModule.PluginAction value and the"     \
+    " *dark* parameter indicates if a dark theme is being to get"       \
+    " loaded.\n"                                                        \
     "\n"                                                                \
     "The expected result is a list of CSS definition resource URIs,"    \
     " provided as strings such as 'resource:///org/xxx/extra.css'"      \
@@ -676,8 +677,9 @@ static void py_plugin_module_notify_panel_creation_wrapper(const GPluginModule *
     METH_VARARGS,                                                       \
     "Abstract method called when a new instance of panel is created.\n" \
     "\n"                                                                \
-    "The expected *action* is a pychrysalide.PluginModule.PluginAction" \
-    " value and the *item* is a pychrysalide.gui.PanelItem instance.\n" \
+    "The expected *action* is a"                                        \
+    " pychrysalide.plugins.PluginModule.PluginAction value and the"     \
+    " *item* is a pychrysalide.gui.PanelItem instance.\n"               \
     "\n"                                                                \
     "This method has to be defined in order to handle action such as"   \
     " *PANEL_CREATION*."                                                \
@@ -738,10 +740,11 @@ static void py_plugin_module_notify_panel_docking_wrapper(const GPluginModule *p
     "Abstract method called when a panel is docked or undocked into"    \
     " the Chrysalide main graphical interface.\n"                       \
     "\n"                                                                \
-    "The expected *action* is a pychrysalide.PluginModule.PluginAction" \
-    " value, the *item* is a pychrysalide.gui.PanelItem instance and"   \
-    " the *dock* parameter indicates if the panel request a docking"    \
-    " operation or an undocking one.\n"                                 \
+    "The expected *action* is a"                                        \
+    " pychrysalide.plugins.PluginModule.PluginAction value, the"        \
+    " *item* is a pychrysalide.gui.PanelItem instance and the *dock*"   \
+    " parameter indicates if the panel request a docking operation"     \
+    " or an undocking one.\n"                                           \
     "\n"                                                                \
     "This method has to be defined in order to handle action such as"   \
     " *PANEL_DOCKING*."                                                 \
@@ -807,7 +810,7 @@ static void py_plugin_module_handle_binary_content_wrapper(const GPluginModule *
     " contents to explore) or to load a recognized binary content into a"           \
     " pychrysalide.analysis.LoadedContent instance.\n"                              \
     "\n"                                                                            \
-    "The expected action is a pychrysalide.PluginModule.PluginAction"               \
+    "The expected action is a pychrysalide.plugins.PluginModule.PluginAction"       \
     " value and the initial binary content is a pychrysalide.analysis.BinContent"   \
     " instance. A tracking identifier is provided and is aimed to be"               \
     " used with methods from pychrysalide.analysis.ContentExplorer and"             \
@@ -875,7 +878,7 @@ static void py_plugin_module_handle_loaded_content_wrapper(const GPluginModule *
     METH_VARARGS,                                                                   \
     "Abstract method run once a loaded binary has been analyzed with success.\n"    \
     "\n"                                                                            \
-    "The expected action is a pychrysalide.PluginModule.PluginAction"               \
+    "The expected action is a pychrysalide.plugins.PluginModule.PluginAction"       \
     " value and the analyzed content is a pychrysalide.analysis.LoadedContent"      \
     " instance. The identifier refers to the working queue used to process the"     \
     " analysis. A reference to the main status bar may also be provided, as a"      \
@@ -945,7 +948,7 @@ static bool py_plugin_module_handle_known_format_analysis_wrapper(const GPluginM
     "* at the beginning and at the end of the main analysis pass;\n"                \
     "* at the beginning and at the end of the extra final pass.\n"                  \
     "\n"                                                                            \
-    "The expected action is a pychrysalide.PluginModule.PluginAction"               \
+    "The expected action is a pychrysalide.plugins.PluginModule.PluginAction"       \
     " value and the provided format is a pychrysalide.format.KnownFormat"           \
     " instance. The identifier refers to the working queue used to process the"     \
     " analysis. A reference to the main status bar may also be provided, as a"      \
@@ -1023,7 +1026,7 @@ static bool py_plugin_module_preload_binary_format_wrapper(const GPluginModule *
     "Format fields do not need to get disassembled and may be annotated for"        \
     " instance.\n"                                                                  \
     "\n"                                                                            \
-    "The expected action is a pychrysalide.PluginModule.PluginAction"               \
+    "The expected action is a pychrysalide.plugins.PluginModule.PluginAction"       \
     " value and the provided format is a pychrysalide.format.BinFormat"             \
     " instance. The information holder to fill is a pychrysalide.format.PreloadInfo"\
     " instance. A reference to the main status bar may also be provided, as a"      \
@@ -1090,7 +1093,7 @@ static void py_plugin_module_attach_debug_format_wrapper(const GPluginModule *pl
     METH_VARARGS,                                                                   \
     "Abstract method called when a debugger is attached to a binary format.\n"      \
     "\n"                                                                            \
-    "The expected action is a pychrysalide.PluginModule.PluginAction"               \
+    "The expected action is a pychrysalide.plugins.PluginModule.PluginAction"       \
     " value and the provided format is a pychrysalide.format.ExeFormat instance.\n" \
     "\n"                                                                            \
     "This method has to be defined in order to handle action such as"               \
@@ -1151,7 +1154,7 @@ static void py_plugin_module_process_disassembly_event_wrapper(const GPluginModu
     METH_VARARGS,                                                                   \
     "Abstract method run at several different steps of a binary analysis.\n"        \
     "\n"                                                                            \
-    "The expected action is a pychrysalide.PluginModule.PluginAction"               \
+    "The expected action is a pychrysalide.plugins.PluginModule.PluginAction"       \
     " value and the provided format is a pychrysalide.format.ExeFormat instance.\n" \
     "\n"                                                                            \
     "This method has to be defined in order to handle actions such as"              \
@@ -1223,10 +1226,11 @@ static void py_plugin_module_detect_external_tools_wrapper(const GPluginModule *
     "Abstract method called when a detection of tools used the build"   \
     " the analyzed content is required.\n"                              \
     "\n"                                                                \
-    "The expected action is a pychrysalide.PluginModule.PluginAction"   \
-    " value and the content is a pychrysalide.analysis.LoadedContent"   \
-    " instance. The *version* parameter is a boolean value indicating"  \
-    " if some extra details about the tools version are wished.\n"      \
+    "The expected action is a"                                          \
+    " pychrysalide.plugins.PluginModule.PluginAction value and the"     \
+    " content is a pychrysalide.analysis.LoadedContent instance. The"   \
+    " *version* parameter is a boolean value indicating if some extra"  \
+    " details about the tools version are wished.\n"                    \
     "\n"                                                                \
     "The expected result is a list of strings.\n"                       \
     "\n"                                                                \
@@ -1849,7 +1853,7 @@ PyTypeObject *get_python_plugin_module_type(void)
 *                                                                             *
 *  Paramètres  : -                                                            *
 *                                                                             *
-*  Description : Prend en charge l'objet 'pychrysalide.PluginModule'.         *
+*  Description : Prend en charge l'objet 'pychrysalide.plugins.PluginModule'. *
 *                                                                             *
 *  Retour      : Bilan de l'opération.                                        *
 *                                                                             *
diff --git a/plugins/pychrysalide/plugins/plugin.h b/plugins/pychrysalide/plugins/plugin.h
index 2a31cf2..ff805f4 100644
--- a/plugins/pychrysalide/plugins/plugin.h
+++ b/plugins/pychrysalide/plugins/plugin.h
@@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ GPluginModule *g_python_plugin_new(const char *, const char *);
 /* Fournit un accès à une définition de type à diffuser. */
 PyTypeObject *get_python_plugin_module_type(void);
-/* Prend en charge l'objet 'pychrysalide.PluginModule'. */
+/* Prend en charge l'objet 'pychrysalide.plugins.PluginModule'. */
 bool ensure_python_plugin_module_is_registered(void);
cgit v0.11.2-87-g4458