From 4319c0ae542b60f225d0f6ce373fe8d2e5f1475d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Cyrille Bagard <>
Date: Sun, 26 Mar 2017 12:53:53 +0200
Subject: Extended the Python bindings to immediate operands.

 ChangeLog                           |  24 ++
 plugins/pychrysa/arch/   |   8 +-
 plugins/pychrysa/arch/archbase.c    | 121 -------
 plugins/pychrysa/arch/archbase.h    |  54 ----
 plugins/pychrysa/arch/immediate.c   | 621 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 plugins/pychrysa/arch/immediate.h   |  42 +++
 plugins/pychrysa/arch/module.c      |  63 ++++
 plugins/pychrysa/arch/operand.c     | 109 +++++++
 plugins/pychrysa/arch/operand.h     |  42 +++
 plugins/pychrysa/debug/gdbrsp/gdb.c |   1 +
 10 files changed, 904 insertions(+), 181 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 plugins/pychrysa/arch/archbase.c
 delete mode 100644 plugins/pychrysa/arch/archbase.h
 create mode 100644 plugins/pychrysa/arch/immediate.c
 create mode 100644 plugins/pychrysa/arch/immediate.h
 create mode 100644 plugins/pychrysa/arch/operand.c
 create mode 100644 plugins/pychrysa/arch/operand.h

diff --git a/ChangeLog b/ChangeLog
index af5e121..841c7e1 100644
--- a/ChangeLog
+++ b/ChangeLog
@@ -1,3 +1,27 @@
+17-03-26  Cyrille Bagard <>
+	* plugins/pychrysa/arch/
+	Add the 'immediate.[ch]' and 'operand.[ch]' files to
+	libpychrysaarch_la_SOURCES.
+	* plugins/pychrysa/arch/archbase.c:
+	* plugins/pychrysa/arch/archbase.h:
+	Deleted entries.
+	* plugins/pychrysa/arch/immediate.c:
+	* plugins/pychrysa/arch/immediate.h:
+	New entries: extend the Python bindings to immediate operands.
+	* plugins/pychrysa/arch/module.c:
+	Update code.
+	* plugins/pychrysa/arch/operand.c:
+	* plugins/pychrysa/arch/operand.h:
+	New entries: extend the Python bindings to architecture operands.
+	* plugins/pychrysa/debug/gdbrsp/gdb.c:
+	Typo.
 17-03-24  Cyrille Bagard <>
 	* src/analysis/routine.c:
diff --git a/plugins/pychrysa/arch/ b/plugins/pychrysa/arch/
index 5d631bb..21e3856 100644
--- a/plugins/pychrysa/arch/
+++ b/plugins/pychrysa/arch/
@@ -2,21 +2,17 @@
 libpychrysaarch_la_SOURCES =			\
+	immediate.h immediate.c				\
 	instriter.h instriter.c				\
 	instruction.h instruction.c			\
 	module.h module.c					\
+	operand.h operand.c					\
 	processor.h processor.c				\
 	vmpa.h vmpa.c
 libpychrysaarch_la_LIBADD =				\
-# libpychrysaarch_la_SOURCES =			\
-# 	archbase.h archbase.c				\
-# 	instruction.h instruction.c			\
-# 	module.h module.c					\
-# 	processor.h processor.c
 libpychrysaarch_la_LDFLAGS = 
diff --git a/plugins/pychrysa/arch/archbase.c b/plugins/pychrysa/arch/archbase.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 146b4dd..0000000
--- a/plugins/pychrysa/arch/archbase.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,121 +0,0 @@
-/* Chrysalide - Outil d'analyse de fichiers binaires
- * archbase.c - équivalent Python du fichier "arch/archbase.h"
- *
- * Copyright (C) 2012-2017 Cyrille Bagard
- *
- *  This file is part of Chrysalide.
- *
- *  Chrysalide is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- *  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- *  the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
- *  (at your option) any later version.
- *
- *  Chrysalide is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- *  GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- *  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- *  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- *  Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
- */
-#include "archbase.h"
-/* Classe 'arch.vmpa' pour Python */
-typedef PyLongObject py_vmpa;
-/* Fournit le type d'objet 'arch.vmpa' pour Python. */
-static PyTypeObject *get_arch_vmpa_type(void);
-*                                                                             *
-*  Paramètres  : value = adresse à convertir en objet Python.                 *
-*                                                                             *
-*  Description : Crée un nouvel objet Python de type 'py_vmpa'.               *
-*                                                                             *
-*  Retour      : -                                                            *
-*                                                                             *
-*  Remarques   : -                                                            *
-*                                                                             *
-PyObject *py_vmpa_new_from_existing(vmpa_t value)
-    return PyLong_FromLongLong(value);
-*                                                                             *
-*  Paramètres  : -                                                            *
-*                                                                             *
-*  Description : Fournit le type d'objet 'arch.vmpa' pour Python.             *
-*                                                                             *
-*  Retour      : Adresse du type vivant à manipuler.                          *
-*                                                                             *
-*  Remarques   : -                                                            *
-*                                                                             *
-static PyTypeObject *get_arch_vmpa_type(void)
-    return &PyLong_Type;
-*                                                                             *
-*  Paramètres  : module = module dont la définition est à compléter.          *
-*                                                                             *
-*  Description : Ajoute l'objet 'arch.vmpa' au module Python.                 *
-*                                                                             *
-*  Retour      : -                                                            *
-*                                                                             *
-*  Remarques   : -                                                            *
-*                                                                             *
-bool add_arch_vmpa_to_python_module(PyObject *module)
-    PyTypeObject *py_vmpa_type;             /* Type défini pour Python     */
-    int ret;                                /* Bilan d'un appel            */
-    py_vmpa_type = get_arch_vmpa_type();
-    if (PyType_Ready(py_vmpa_type) < 0)
-        return false;
-    Py_INCREF(py_vmpa_type);
-    ret = PyModule_AddObject(module, "Vmpa", (PyObject *)py_vmpa_type);
-    return (ret == 0);
diff --git a/plugins/pychrysa/arch/archbase.h b/plugins/pychrysa/arch/archbase.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 30f0432..0000000
--- a/plugins/pychrysa/arch/archbase.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
-/* Chrysalide - Outil d'analyse de fichiers binaires
- * vmpa.h - prototypes pour l'équivalent Python du fichier "arch/vmpa.h"
- *
- * Copyright (C) 2012-2017 Cyrille Bagard
- *
- *  This file is part of Chrysalide.
- *
- *  Chrysalide is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- *  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- *  the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
- *  (at your option) any later version.
- *
- *  Chrysalide is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- *  GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- *  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- *  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- *  Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
- */
-#include <Python.h>
-#if 0
-#include <stdbool.h>
-#include <arch/archbase.h>
-/* Crée un nouvel objet Python de type 'py_vmpa'. */
-PyObject *py_vmpa_new_from_existing(vmpa_t);
-/* Ajoute l'objet 'arch.vmpa' au module Python. */
-bool add_arch_vmpa_to_python_module(PyObject *);
diff --git a/plugins/pychrysa/arch/immediate.c b/plugins/pychrysa/arch/immediate.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e600a9a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/pychrysa/arch/immediate.c
@@ -0,0 +1,621 @@
+/* Chrysalide - Outil d'analyse de fichiers binaires
+ * immediate.c - équivalent Python du fichier "arch/immediate.h"
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2012-2017 Cyrille Bagard
+ *
+ *  This file is part of Chrysalide.
+ *
+ *  Chrysalide is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ *  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ *  the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
+ *  (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ *  Chrysalide is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ *  GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ *  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ *  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ *  Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
+ */
+#include "immediate.h"
+#include <pygobject.h>
+#include <i18n.h>
+#include <arch/immediate.h>
+#include "operand.h"
+#include "../helpers.h"
+/* Fournit la valeur portée par une opérande numérique. */
+static PyObject *py_imm_operand_get_value(PyObject *, void *);
+/* Indique si l'affichage est complété avec des zéros. */
+static PyObject *py_imm_operand_get_padding(PyObject *self, void *);
+/* Précise si des zéro doivent compléter l'affichage ou non. */
+static int py_imm_operand_set_padding(PyObject *, PyObject *, void *);
+/* Indique le format textuel par défaut de la valeur. */
+static PyObject *py_imm_operand_get_default_display(PyObject *, void *);
+/* Définit le format textuel par défaut de la valeur. */
+static int py_imm_operand_set_default_display(PyObject *, PyObject *, void *);
+/* Indique la grande ligne du format textuel de la valeur. */
+static PyObject *py_imm_operand_get_display(PyObject *, void *);
+/* Définit la grande ligne du format textuel de la valeur. */
+static int py_imm_operand_set_display(PyObject *, PyObject *, void *);
+/* Construit la chaîne de caractères correspondant à l'opérande. */
+static PyObject *py_imm_operand_to_string(PyObject *, PyObject *);
+/* Crée un nouvel objet Python de type 'ImmOperand'. */
+static PyObject *py_imm_operand_new(PyTypeObject *, PyObject *, PyObject *);
+/* Définit les constantes pour les opérandes d'immédiats. */
+static bool py_imm_operand_define_constants(PyTypeObject *);
+*                                                                             *
+*  Paramètres  : self    = objet Python concerné par l'appel.                 *
+*                closure = non utilisé ici.                                   *
+*                                                                             *
+*  Description : Renseigne la taille de la valeur indiquée à la construction. *
+*                                                                             *
+*  Retour      : Taille de la valeur représentée en mémoire.                  *
+*                                                                             *
+*  Remarques   : -                                                            *
+*                                                                             *
+static PyObject *py_imm_operand_get_size(PyObject *self, void *closure)
+    PyObject *result;                       /* Instance Python à retourner */
+    GImmOperand *operand;                   /* Version GLib de l'opérande  */
+    MemoryDataSize size;                    /* Type de donnée représentée  */
+    operand = G_IMM_OPERAND(pygobject_get(self));
+    assert(operand != NULL);
+    size = g_imm_operand_get_size(operand);
+    result = Py_BuildValue("I", size);
+    return result;
+*                                                                             *
+*  Paramètres  : self    = objet Python concerné par l'appel.                 *
+*                closure = non utilisé ici.                                   *
+*                                                                             *
+*  Description : Fournit la valeur portée par une opérande numérique.         *
+*                                                                             *
+*  Retour      : Valeur contenue dans l'opérande, ou None en cas de soucis.   *
+*                                                                             *
+*  Remarques   : -                                                            *
+*                                                                             *
+static PyObject *py_imm_operand_get_value(PyObject *self, void *closure)
+    PyObject *result;                       /* Instance Python à retourner */
+    GImmOperand *operand;                   /* Version GLib de l'opérande  */
+    MemoryDataSize size;                    /* Type de donnée représentée  */
+    uint8_t uval8;                          /* Valeur sur 8 bits           */
+    uint16_t uval16;                        /* Valeur sur 16 bits          */
+    uint32_t uval32;                        /* Valeur sur 32 bits          */
+    uint64_t uval64;                        /* Valeur sur 64 bits          */
+    int8_t sval8;                           /* Valeur sur 8 bits           */
+    int16_t sval16;                         /* Valeur sur 16 bits          */
+    int32_t sval32;                         /* Valeur sur 32 bits          */
+    int64_t sval64;                         /* Valeur sur 64 bits          */
+    operand = G_IMM_OPERAND(pygobject_get(self));
+    assert(operand != NULL);
+    size = g_imm_operand_get_size(operand);
+    switch (size)
+    {
+        /* Pour GCC... */
+        case MDS_UNDEFINED:
+            result = Py_None;
+            Py_INCREF(result);
+            break;
+        case MDS_4_BITS_UNSIGNED:
+        case MDS_8_BITS_UNSIGNED:
+            g_imm_operand_get_value(operand, size, &uval8);
+            result = PyLong_FromUnsignedLong(uval8);
+            break;
+        case MDS_16_BITS_UNSIGNED:
+            g_imm_operand_get_value(operand, size, &uval16);
+            result = PyLong_FromUnsignedLong(uval16);
+            break;
+        case MDS_32_BITS_UNSIGNED:
+            g_imm_operand_get_value(operand, size, &uval32);
+            result = PyLong_FromUnsignedLong(uval32);
+            break;
+        case MDS_64_BITS_UNSIGNED:
+            g_imm_operand_get_value(operand, size, &uval64);
+            result = PyLong_FromUnsignedLongLong(uval64);
+            break;
+        case MDS_4_BITS_SIGNED:
+        case MDS_8_BITS_SIGNED:
+            g_imm_operand_get_value(operand, size, &sval8);
+            result = PyLong_FromLong(sval8);
+            break;
+        case MDS_16_BITS_SIGNED:
+            g_imm_operand_get_value(operand, size, &sval16);
+            result = PyLong_FromLong(sval16);
+            break;
+        case MDS_32_BITS_SIGNED:
+            g_imm_operand_get_value(operand, size, &sval32);
+            result = PyLong_FromLong(sval32);
+            break;
+        case MDS_64_BITS_SIGNED:
+            g_imm_operand_get_value(operand, size, &sval64);
+            result = PyLong_FromLongLong(sval64);
+            break;
+    }
+    return result;
+*                                                                             *
+*  Paramètres  : self    = objet Python concerné par l'appel.                 *
+*                closure = non utilisé ici.                                   *
+*                                                                             *
+*  Description : Indique si l'affichage est complété avec des zéros.          *
+*                                                                             *
+*  Retour      : true si des zéro sont ajoutés à l'affichage, false sinon.    *
+*                                                                             *
+*  Remarques   : -                                                            *
+*                                                                             *
+static PyObject *py_imm_operand_get_padding(PyObject *self, void *closure)
+    PyObject *result;                       /* Instance Python à retourner */
+    GImmOperand *operand;                   /* Version GLib de l'opérande  */
+    bool padding;                           /* Bourrage en préfixe ?       */
+    operand = G_IMM_OPERAND(pygobject_get(self));
+    assert(operand != NULL);
+    padding = g_imm_operand_does_padding(operand);
+    result = Py_BuildValue("p", padding);
+    return result;
+*                                                                             *
+*  Paramètres  : self    = objet Python concerné par l'appel.                 *
+*                value   = valeur fournie à intégrer ou prendre en compte.    *
+*                closure = non utilisé ici.                                   *
+*                                                                             *
+*  Description : Précise si des zéro doivent compléter l'affichage ou non.    *
+*                                                                             *
+*  Retour      : Bilan de l'opération pour Python.                            *
+*                                                                             *
+*  Remarques   : -                                                            *
+*                                                                             *
+static int py_imm_operand_set_padding(PyObject *self, PyObject *value, void *closure)
+    bool padding;                           /* Bourrage en préfixe ?       */
+    GImmOperand *operand;                   /* Version GLib de l'opérande  */
+    if (!PyBool_Check(value))
+    {
+        PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, _("Invalid padding state"));
+        return -1;
+    }
+    padding = (value == Py_True);
+    operand = G_IMM_OPERAND(pygobject_get(self));
+    assert(operand != NULL);
+    g_imm_operand_pad(operand, padding);
+    return 0;
+*                                                                             *
+*  Paramètres  : self    = objet Python concerné par l'appel.                 *
+*                closure = non utilisé ici.                                   *
+*                                                                             *
+*  Description : Indique le format textuel par défaut de la valeur.           *
+*                                                                             *
+*  Retour      : Format global d'un affichage de valeur.                      *
+*                                                                             *
+*  Remarques   : -                                                            *
+*                                                                             *
+static PyObject *py_imm_operand_get_default_display(PyObject *self, void *closure)
+    PyObject *result;                       /* Instance Python à retourner */
+    GImmOperand *operand;                   /* Version GLib de l'opérande  */
+    ImmOperandDisplay display;              /* Type d'affichage courant    */
+    operand = G_IMM_OPERAND(pygobject_get(self));
+    assert(operand != NULL);
+    display = g_imm_operand_get_default_display(operand);
+    result = Py_BuildValue("I", display);
+    return result;
+*                                                                             *
+*  Paramètres  : self    = objet Python concerné par l'appel.                 *
+*                value   = valeur fournie à intégrer ou prendre en compte.    *
+*                closure = non utilisé ici.                                   *
+*                                                                             *
+*  Description : Définit le format textuel par défaut de la valeur.           *
+*                                                                             *
+*  Retour      : Bilan de l'opération pour Python.                            *
+*                                                                             *
+*  Remarques   : -                                                            *
+*                                                                             *
+static int py_imm_operand_set_default_display(PyObject *self, PyObject *value, void *closure)
+    ImmOperandDisplay display;              /* Type d'affichage demandé    */
+    GImmOperand *operand;                   /* Version GLib de l'opérande  */
+    if (!PyLong_Check(value))
+    {
+        PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, _("Invalid display type"));
+        return -1;
+    }
+    display = PyLong_AsUnsignedLong(value);
+    if (!(IOD_BIN <= display && display <= IOD_CHAR))
+    {
+        PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, _("Invalid display type"));
+        return -1;
+    }
+    operand = G_IMM_OPERAND(pygobject_get(self));
+    assert(operand != NULL);
+    g_imm_operand_set_default_display(operand, display);
+    return 0;
+*                                                                             *
+*  Paramètres  : self    = objet Python concerné par l'appel.                 *
+*                closure = non utilisé ici.                                   *
+*                                                                             *
+*  Description : Indique la grande ligne du format textuel de la valeur.      *
+*                                                                             *
+*  Retour      : Format global d'un affichage de valeur.                      *
+*                                                                             *
+*  Remarques   : -                                                            *
+*                                                                             *
+static PyObject *py_imm_operand_get_display(PyObject *self, void *closure)
+    PyObject *result;                       /* Instance Python à retourner */
+    GImmOperand *operand;                   /* Version GLib de l'opérande  */
+    ImmOperandDisplay display;              /* Type d'affichage courant    */
+    operand = G_IMM_OPERAND(pygobject_get(self));
+    assert(operand != NULL);
+    display = g_imm_operand_get_display(operand);
+    result = Py_BuildValue("I", display);
+    return result;
+*                                                                             *
+*  Paramètres  : self    = objet Python concerné par l'appel.                 *
+*                value   = valeur fournie à intégrer ou prendre en compte.    *
+*                closure = non utilisé ici.                                   *
+*                                                                             *
+*  Description : Définit la grande ligne du format textuel de la valeur.      *
+*                                                                             *
+*  Retour      : Bilan de l'opération pour Python.                            *
+*                                                                             *
+*  Remarques   : -                                                            *
+*                                                                             *
+static int py_imm_operand_set_display(PyObject *self, PyObject *value, void *closure)
+    ImmOperandDisplay display;              /* Type d'affichage demandé    */
+    GImmOperand *operand;                   /* Version GLib de l'opérande  */
+    if (!PyLong_Check(value))
+    {
+        PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, _("Invalid display type"));
+        return -1;
+    }
+    display = PyLong_AsUnsignedLong(value);
+    if (!(IOD_BIN <= display && display <= IOD_CHAR))
+    {
+        PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, _("Invalid display type"));
+        return -1;
+    }
+    operand = G_IMM_OPERAND(pygobject_get(self));
+    assert(operand != NULL);
+    g_imm_operand_set_display(operand, display);
+    return 0;
+*                                                                             *
+*  Paramètres  : self = operande à manipuler.                                 *
+*                args = arguments accompagnant l'appel.                       *
+*                                                                             *
+*  Description : Construit la chaîne de caractères correspondant à l'opérande.*
+*                                                                             *
+*  Retour      : Chaîne de caractères mise en place.                          *
+*                                                                             *
+*  Remarques   : -                                                            *
+*                                                                             *
+static PyObject *py_imm_operand_to_string(PyObject *self, PyObject *args)
+    PyObject *result;                       /* Instance à retourner        */
+    GImmOperand *operand;                   /* Version GLib de l'opérande  */
+    unsigned int raw_syntax;                /* Affichage brut à utiliser   */
+    int ret;                                /* Bilan de lecture des args.  */
+    AsmSyntax syntax;                       /* Affichage final à utiliser  */
+    char value[IMM_MAX_SIZE];               /* Valeur humainement lisible  */
+    operand = G_IMM_OPERAND(pygobject_get(self));
+    assert(operand != NULL);
+    ret = PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "I", &raw_syntax);
+    if (!ret) return NULL;
+    syntax = raw_syntax;
+    if (syntax != ASX_INTEL && syntax != ASX_ATT)
+    {
+        PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError, _("Invalid syntax type"));
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    g_imm_operand_to_string(operand, syntax, value);
+    result = PyUnicode_FromString(value);
+    return result;
+*                                                                             *
+*  Paramètres  : type = type de l'objet à instancier.                         *
+*                args = arguments fournis à l'appel.                          *
+*                kwds = arguments de type key=val fournis.                    *
+*                                                                             *
+*  Description : Crée un nouvel objet Python de type 'ImmOperand'.            *
+*                                                                             *
+*  Retour      : Instance Python mise en place.                               *
+*                                                                             *
+*  Remarques   : -                                                            *
+*                                                                             *
+static PyObject *py_imm_operand_new(PyTypeObject *type, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds)
+    PyObject *result;                       /* Instance à retourner        */
+    unsigned int raw_size;                  /* Taille obtenue de Python    */
+    unsigned long long value;               /* Valeur brute à représenter  */
+    int ret;                                /* Bilan de lecture des args.  */
+    MemoryDataSize size;                    /* Taille des données finale   */
+    GArchOperand *operand;                  /* Création GLib à transmettre */
+    ret = PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "IK", &raw_size, &value);
+    if (!ret) return NULL;
+    size = raw_size;
+    if (size != MDS_UNDEFINED
+        && !(MDS_4_BITS_UNSIGNED <= size && size <= MDS_64_BITS_UNSIGNED)
+        && !(MDS_4_BITS_SIGNED <= size && size <= MDS_64_BITS_SIGNED))
+    {
+        PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError, _("Invalid size to build an immediate operand"));
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    operand = g_imm_operand_new_from_value(size, value);
+    result = pygobject_new(G_OBJECT(operand));
+    g_object_unref(operand);
+    return (PyObject *)result;
+*                                                                             *
+*  Paramètres  : obj_type = type dont le dictionnaire est à compléter.        *
+*                                                                             *
+*  Description : Définit les constantes pour les opérandes d'immédiats.       *
+*                                                                             *
+*  Retour      : true en cas de succès de l'opération, false sinon.           *
+*                                                                             *
+*  Remarques   : -                                                            *
+*                                                                             *
+static bool py_imm_operand_define_constants(PyTypeObject *obj_type)
+    bool result;                            /* Bilan à retourner           */
+    result = true;
+    result &= PyDict_AddIntMacro(obj_type, IOD_BIN);
+    result &= PyDict_AddIntMacro(obj_type, IOD_OCT);
+    result &= PyDict_AddIntMacro(obj_type, IOD_DEC);
+    result &= PyDict_AddIntMacro(obj_type, IOD_HEX);
+    result &= PyDict_AddIntMacro(obj_type, IOD_CHAR);
+    result &= PyDict_AddIntMacro(obj_type, IOD_COUNT);
+    return result;
+*                                                                             *
+*  Paramètres  : -                                                            *
+*                                                                             *
+*  Description : Fournit un accès à une définition de type à diffuser.        *
+*                                                                             *
+*  Retour      : Définition d'objet pour Python.                              *
+*                                                                             *
+*  Remarques   : -                                                            *
+*                                                                             *
+PyTypeObject *get_python_imm_operand_type(void)
+    static PyMethodDef py_imm_operand_methods[] = {
+        {
+            "to_string", py_imm_operand_to_string,
+            METH_VARARGS,
+            "to_string($self, syntax, /)\n--\n\nConvert the immediate operand to a string."
+        },
+        { NULL }
+    };
+    static PyGetSetDef py_imm_operand_getseters[] = {
+        {
+            "size", py_imm_operand_get_size, NULL,
+            "Size of the value contained in the operand.", NULL
+        },
+        {
+            "value", py_imm_operand_get_value, NULL,
+            "Value of the immediate operand.", NULL
+        },
+        {
+            "padding", py_imm_operand_get_padding, py_imm_operand_set_padding,
+            "Status of padding with zeros in front of the textual representation.", NULL
+        },
+        {
+            "default_display", py_imm_operand_get_default_display, py_imm_operand_set_default_display,
+            "Definition of the immediate operand default textual representation.", NULL
+        },
+        {
+            "display", py_imm_operand_get_display, py_imm_operand_set_display,
+            "Definition of the immediate operand current textual representation.", NULL
+        },
+        { NULL }
+    };
+    static PyTypeObject py_imm_operand_type = {
+        PyVarObject_HEAD_INIT(NULL, 0)
+        .tp_name        = "pychrysalide.arch.ImmOperand",
+        .tp_basicsize   = sizeof(PyGObject),
+        .tp_doc         = "PyChrysalide immediate operand.",
+        .tp_methods     = py_imm_operand_methods,
+        .tp_getset      = py_imm_operand_getseters,
+        .tp_new         = py_imm_operand_new
+    };
+    return &py_imm_operand_type;
+*                                                                             *
+*  Paramètres  : module = module dont la définition est à compléter.          *
+*                                                                             *
+*  Description : Prend en charge l'objet 'pychrysalide.arch.ImmOperand'.      *
+*                                                                             *
+*  Retour      : Bilan de l'opération.                                        *
+*                                                                             *
+*  Remarques   : -                                                            *
+*                                                                             *
+bool register_python_imm_operand(PyObject *module)
+    PyTypeObject *py_imm_operand_type;      /* Type Python 'BinContent'    */
+    PyObject *dict;                         /* Dictionnaire du module      */
+    py_imm_operand_type = get_python_imm_operand_type();
+    dict = PyModule_GetDict(module);
+    if (!register_class_for_pygobject(dict, G_TYPE_IMM_OPERAND,
+                                      py_imm_operand_type, get_python_arch_operand_type()))
+        return false;
+    if (!py_imm_operand_define_constants(py_imm_operand_type))
+        return false;
+    return true;
diff --git a/plugins/pychrysa/arch/immediate.h b/plugins/pychrysa/arch/immediate.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d6e5eba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/pychrysa/arch/immediate.h
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+/* Chrysalide - Outil d'analyse de fichiers binaires
+ * immediate.h - prototypes pour l'équivalent Python du fichier "arch/immediate.h"
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2017 Cyrille Bagard
+ *
+ *  This file is part of Chrysalide.
+ *
+ *  Chrysalide is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ *  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ *  the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
+ *  (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ *  Chrysalide is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ *  GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ *  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ *  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ *  Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
+ */
+#include <Python.h>
+#include <stdbool.h>
+/* Fournit un accès à une définition de type à diffuser. */
+PyTypeObject *get_python_imm_operand_type(void);
+/* Prend en charge l'objet 'pychrysalide.arch.ImmOperand'. */
+bool register_python_imm_operand(PyObject *);
diff --git a/plugins/pychrysa/arch/module.c b/plugins/pychrysa/arch/module.c
index 8ef9590..68f702d 100644
--- a/plugins/pychrysa/arch/module.c
+++ b/plugins/pychrysa/arch/module.c
@@ -28,16 +28,74 @@
 #include <assert.h>
+#include <arch/archbase.h>
+#include "immediate.h"
 #include "instriter.h"
 #include "instruction.h"
+#include "operand.h"
 #include "processor.h"
 #include "vmpa.h"
 #include "arm/module.h"
+#include "../helpers.h"
+/* Définit les constantes de base pour une architecture. */
+static bool py_base_define_constants(PyTypeObject *);
 *                                                                             *
+*  Paramètres  : obj_type = type dont le dictionnaire est à compléter.        *
+*                                                                             *
+*  Description : Définit les constantes de base pour une architecture.        *
+*                                                                             *
+*  Retour      : true en cas de succès de l'opération, false sinon.           *
+*                                                                             *
+*  Remarques   : -                                                            *
+*                                                                             *
+static bool py_base_define_constants(PyTypeObject *obj_type)
+    bool result;                            /* Bilan à retourner           */
+    result = true;
+    result &= PyDict_AddIntMacro(obj_type, MDS_UNDEFINED);
+    result &= PyDict_AddIntMacro(obj_type, MDS_4_BITS_UNSIGNED);
+    result &= PyDict_AddIntMacro(obj_type, MDS_8_BITS_UNSIGNED);
+    result &= PyDict_AddIntMacro(obj_type, MDS_16_BITS_UNSIGNED);
+    result &= PyDict_AddIntMacro(obj_type, MDS_32_BITS_UNSIGNED);
+    result &= PyDict_AddIntMacro(obj_type, MDS_64_BITS_UNSIGNED);
+    result &= PyDict_AddIntMacro(obj_type, MDS_4_BITS_SIGNED);
+    result &= PyDict_AddIntMacro(obj_type, MDS_8_BITS_SIGNED);
+    result &= PyDict_AddIntMacro(obj_type, MDS_16_BITS_SIGNED);
+    result &= PyDict_AddIntMacro(obj_type, MDS_32_BITS_SIGNED);
+    result &= PyDict_AddIntMacro(obj_type, MDS_64_BITS_SIGNED);
+    result &= PyDict_AddIntMacro(obj_type, MDS_4_BITS);
+    result &= PyDict_AddIntMacro(obj_type, MDS_8_BITS);
+    result &= PyDict_AddIntMacro(obj_type, MDS_16_BITS);
+    result &= PyDict_AddIntMacro(obj_type, MDS_32_BITS);
+    result &= PyDict_AddIntMacro(obj_type, MDS_64_BITS);
+    result &= PyDict_AddIntMacro(obj_type, ASX_INTEL);
+    result &= PyDict_AddIntMacro(obj_type, ASX_ATT);
+    result &= PyDict_AddIntMacro(obj_type, ASX_COUNT);
+    return result;
+*                                                                             *
 *  Paramètres  : module = module dont la définition est à compléter.          *
 *                                                                             *
 *  Description : Ajoute le module 'arch' au module Python.                    *
@@ -82,12 +140,17 @@ bool add_arch_module_to_python_module(PyObject *super)
     result = true;
+    result &= py_base_define_constants(Py_TYPE(module));
     result &= register_python_arch_instruction(module);
+    result &= register_python_arch_operand(module);
     result &= register_python_arch_processor(module);
     result &= register_python_instr_iterator(module);
     result &= register_python_vmpa(module);
     result &= register_python_mrange(module);
+    result &= register_python_imm_operand(module);
     result &= add_arch_arm_module_to_python_module(module);
diff --git a/plugins/pychrysa/arch/operand.c b/plugins/pychrysa/arch/operand.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..427f92b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/pychrysa/arch/operand.c
@@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
+/* Chrysalide - Outil d'analyse de fichiers binaires
+ * operand.c - équivalent Python du fichier "arch/operand.h"
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2012-2017 Cyrille Bagard
+ *
+ *  This file is part of Chrysalide.
+ *
+ *  Chrysalide is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ *  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ *  the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
+ *  (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ *  Chrysalide is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ *  GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ *  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ *  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ *  Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
+ */
+#include "operand.h"
+#include <pygobject.h>
+#include <arch/operand.h>
+#include "../helpers.h"
+*                                                                             *
+*  Paramètres  : -                                                            *
+*                                                                             *
+*  Description : Fournit un accès à une définition de type à diffuser.        *
+*                                                                             *
+*  Retour      : Définition d'objet pour Python.                              *
+*                                                                             *
+*  Remarques   : -                                                            *
+*                                                                             *
+PyTypeObject *get_python_arch_operand_type(void)
+    static PyMethodDef py_arch_operand_methods[] = {
+        { NULL }
+    };
+    static PyGetSetDef py_arch_operand_getseters[] = {
+        { NULL }
+    };
+    static PyTypeObject py_arch_operand_type = {
+        PyVarObject_HEAD_INIT(NULL, 0)
+        .tp_name        = "pychrysalide.arch.ArchOperand",
+        .tp_basicsize   = sizeof(PyGObject),
+        .tp_doc         = "PyChrysalide instruction operand.",
+        .tp_methods     = py_arch_operand_methods,
+        .tp_getset      = py_arch_operand_getseters,
+    };
+    return &py_arch_operand_type;
+*                                                                             *
+*  Paramètres  : module = module dont la définition est à compléter.          *
+*                                                                             *
+*  Description : Prend en charge l'objet 'pychrysalide.arch.ArchOperand'.     *
+*                                                                             *
+*  Retour      : Bilan de l'opération.                                        *
+*                                                                             *
+*  Remarques   : -                                                            *
+*                                                                             *
+bool register_python_arch_operand(PyObject *module)
+    PyTypeObject *py_arch_operand_type;     /* Type Python 'BinContent'    */
+    PyObject *dict;                         /* Dictionnaire du module      */
+    py_arch_operand_type = get_python_arch_operand_type();
+    APPLY_ABSTRACT_FLAG(py_arch_operand_type);
+    dict = PyModule_GetDict(module);
+    if (!register_class_for_pygobject(dict, G_TYPE_ARCH_OPERAND, py_arch_operand_type, &PyGObject_Type))
+        return false;
+    return true;
diff --git a/plugins/pychrysa/arch/operand.h b/plugins/pychrysa/arch/operand.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3c5ef6a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/pychrysa/arch/operand.h
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+/* Chrysalide - Outil d'analyse de fichiers binaires
+ * operand.h - prototypes pour l'équivalent Python du fichier "arch/operand.h"
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2017 Cyrille Bagard
+ *
+ *  This file is part of Chrysalide.
+ *
+ *  Chrysalide is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ *  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ *  the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
+ *  (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ *  Chrysalide is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ *  GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ *  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ *  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ *  Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
+ */
+#include <Python.h>
+#include <stdbool.h>
+/* Fournit un accès à une définition de type à diffuser. */
+PyTypeObject *get_python_arch_operand_type(void);
+/* Prend en charge l'objet 'pychrysalide.arch.ArchOperand'. */
+bool register_python_arch_operand(PyObject *);
diff --git a/plugins/pychrysa/debug/gdbrsp/gdb.c b/plugins/pychrysa/debug/gdbrsp/gdb.c
index cbbf66b..a4cde20 100644
--- a/plugins/pychrysa/debug/gdbrsp/gdb.c
+++ b/plugins/pychrysa/debug/gdbrsp/gdb.c
@@ -39,6 +39,7 @@
 #include "../../analysis/binary.h"
 /* Crée un nouvel objet Python de type 'GdbDebugger'. */
 static PyObject *py_gdb_debugger_new(PyTypeObject *, PyObject *, PyObject *);
cgit v0.11.2-87-g4458