from datetime import datetime, timedelta from pychrysalide.arch import vmpa import string import struct def data_to_number(content, addr, order, fmt): """Convert to a number, if possible.""" size = struct.calcsize(order + fmt) data = content.read_raw(addr, size) value = struct.unpack(order + fmt, data)[0] return str(value) def data_to_time(content, addr, order, fmt): """Convert to a number, if possible.""" size = struct.calcsize(order + fmt) data = content.read_raw(addr, size) value = struct.unpack(order + fmt, data)[0] return str(datetime(1970, 1, 1) + timedelta(seconds=value)) # Cf. FILETIME structure # def data_to_filetime(content, addr, order): """Convert to a Windows FILETIME, if possible.""" data = content.read_raw(addr, 8) value = struct.unpack(order + 'Q', data)[0] us = value / 10. return str(datetime(1601, 1, 1) + timedelta(microseconds=us)) # Cf. DosDateTimeToFileTime() # def data_to_dos_time(content, addr, order): """Convert to a MS-DOS time, if possible.""" data = content.read_raw(addr, 2) value = struct.unpack(order + 'H', data)[0] seconds = (value & 0x1f) * 2 minutes = (value & 0x7e0) >> 5 hours = (value & 0xf800) >> 11 return '%02u:%02u:%02u' % (hours, minutes, seconds) def data_to_dos_date(content, addr, order): """Convert to a MS-DOS date, if possible.""" data = content.read_raw(addr, 2) value = struct.unpack(order + 'H', data)[0] day = (value & 0x1f) month = (value & 0x1e0) >> 5 year = ((value & 0xfe00) >> 9) + 1980 return '%u/%u/%u' % (month, day, year) def data_to_char(content, addr, order): """Convert to a character, if possible.""" data = content.read_raw(addr, 1) value = struct.unpack(order + 'c', data)[0] ch = chr(value[0]) return ch if ch in string.printable else '-' def data_to_ansi(content, addr, order): """Convert to an ANSI string, if possible.""" result = None while True: try: data = content.read_raw(addr, 1) value = struct.unpack(order + 'c', data)[0] ch = chr(value[0]) if not(ch in string.printable): break if result: result += ch else: result = ch except: pass return result if result else '-' def _data_to_utf(content, addr, utf): """Convert to an UTF-X string, if possible.""" result = None length = 0 while True: try: start = vmpa(addr.phys, 0) data = content.read_raw(start, length + 1) result = data.decode(utf) length += 1 except Exception as e: break if length > 0: data = content.read_raw(addr, length) result = data.decode('utf-8') else: result = '-' return result def data_to_utf8(content, addr, order): """Convert to an UTF-8 string, if possible.""" return _data_to_utf(content, addr, 'utf-8') def data_to_utf16(content, addr, order): """Convert to an UTF-16 string, if possible.""" return _data_to_utf(content, addr, 'utf-16')