%{ #include "decl.h" #include "tokens.h" /* Affiche un message d'erreur suite à l'analyse en échec. */ static int yyerror(GContentScanner *, yyscan_t, GScanRule **, sized_string_t *, sized_string_t *, void/*GBytesPattern*/ **, char **, size_t *, size_t *, char *); #define raise_error(msg) \ yyerror(scanner, yyscanner, built_rule, tmp_0, tmp_1, NULL, buf, allocated, used, msg) %} %code requires { #define YY_TYPEDEF_YY_SCANNER_T typedef void *yyscan_t; #include #include #include #include #include "core.h" #include "scanner.h" #include "exprs/access.h" #include "exprs/arithmetic.h" #include "exprs/call.h" #include "exprs/counter.h" #include "exprs/handler.h" #include "exprs/intersect.h" #include "exprs/item.h" #include "exprs/literal.h" #include "exprs/logical.h" #include "exprs/set.h" #include "exprs/setcounter.h" #include "exprs/relational.h" #include "exprs/strop.h" #include "patterns/modifier.h" #include "patterns/modifiers/list.h" #include "patterns/tokens/hex.h" #include "patterns/tokens/plain.h" #include "patterns/tokens/nodes/any.h" #include "patterns/tokens/nodes/choice.h" #include "patterns/tokens/nodes/masked.h" #include "patterns/tokens/nodes/not.h" #include "patterns/tokens/nodes/plain.h" #include "patterns/tokens/nodes/sequence.h" #include "../../core/logs.h" } %union { unsigned long long unsigned_integer; /* Valeur entière #1 */ signed long long signed_integer; /* Valeur entière #2 */ //double floating_number; /* Valeur à virgule flottante */ sized_string_t sized_cstring; /* Chaîne de caractères */ //char byte; /* Octet unique */ sized_string_t *tmp_cstring; /* Série d'octets reconstituée */ struct { sized_string_t *tmp_values; /* Série d'octets partiels */ sized_string_t *tmp_masks; /* Masques associés */ } masked; ScanRuleFlags rule_flags; /* Fanions pour règle */ GScanRule *rule; /* Nouvelle règle à intégrer */ GScanTokenNode *node; /* Bribe de motif à intégrer */ GSearchPattern *pattern; /* Nouveau motif à considérer */ GScanTokenModifier *modifier; /* Modificateur pour texte */ ScanPlainNodeFlags str_flags; /* Fanions pour texte */ GScanExpression *expr; /* Expression de condition */ struct { GScanExpression **args; /* Liste d'arguments à fournir */ size_t count; /* Quantité de ces arguments */ } args_list; } /** * Cf. * http://stackoverflow.com/questions/34418381/how-to-reference-lex-or-parse-parameters-in-flex-rules/34420950 */ %define api.pure full %parse-param { GContentScanner *scanner } { yyscan_t yyscanner } { GScanRule **built_rule } { sized_string_t *tmp_0} { sized_string_t *tmp_1} { void /*GBytesPattern*/ **built_pattern } { char **buf } { size_t *allocated } { size_t *used } %lex-param { yyscan_t yyscanner } { sized_string_t *tmp_0} { sized_string_t *tmp_1} { void/*GBytesPattern*/ **built_pattern } { char **buf } { size_t *allocated } { size_t *used } %code provides { #define YY_DECL \ int rost_lex(YYSTYPE *yylval_param, yyscan_t yyscanner, sized_string_t *tmp_0, sized_string_t *tmp_1, void/*GBytesPattern*/ **built_pattern, char **buf, size_t *allocated, size_t *used) YY_DECL; } %token INCLUDE "include" %token RAW_RULE %token RULE_IDENTIFIER %token META "meta" %token BYTES "bytes" %token CONDITION "condition" %token INFO_KEY %token BYTES_ID %token BYTES_FUZZY_ID %token BYTES_ID_COUNTER %token BYTES_ID_START %token BYTES_ID_LENGTH %token BYTES_ID_END %token NAME %token NOCASE "nocase" %token FULLWORD "fullword" %token PRIVATE "private" %token GLOBAL "global" %token HEX_BYTES %token FULL_MASK %token SEMI_MASK %token REGEX_BYTES %token REGEX_CLASSES %token REGEX_RANGE %token BRACE_IN BRACE_OUT %token ASSIGN "=" %token COLON ":" %token PLAIN_TEXT %token ESCAPED_TEXT %token TRUE_ "true" %token FALSE_ "false" %token SIGNED_INTEGER %token UNSIGNED_INTEGER %token STRING %token KB MB GB %token AND "and" %token OR "or" %token NOT "not" %token LT "<" %token LE "<=" %token EQ "==" %token NE "!=" %token GT ">" %token GE ">=" %token CONTAINS "contains" %token STARTSWITH "startswith" %token ENDSWITH "endswith" %token MATCHES "matches" %token ICONTAINS "icontains" %token ISTARTSWITH "istartswith" %token IENDSWITH "iendswith" %token IEQUALS "iequals" %token PLUS "+" %token MINUS "-" %token MUL "*" %token DIV "/" %token MOD "%" %token TILDE "~" %token HOOK_O "[" %token HOOK_C "]" %token BRACKET_O "{" %token BRACKET_C "}" %token QUESTION "?" %token PAREN_O "(" %token PAREN_C ")" %token COMMA "," %token DOT "." %token PIPE "|" %token NONE "none" %token ANY "any" %token ALL "all" %token OF "of" %token THEM "them" %token IN "in" %type RULE_IDENTIFIER %type INFO_KEY %type BYTES_ID %type BYTES_FUZZY_ID %type BYTES_ID_COUNTER %type BYTES_ID_START %type BYTES_ID_LENGTH %type BYTES_ID_END %type NAME %type SIGNED_INTEGER %type UNSIGNED_INTEGER %type STRING %type rule_flags %type rule_flag %type rule %type PLAIN_TEXT %type ESCAPED_TEXT %type HEX_BYTES %type FULL_MASK %type SEMI_MASK %type REGEX_BYTES %type str_pattern %type modifiers %type _modifiers %type chained_modifiers %type mod_stage %type modifier %type str_flags %type hex_pattern %type hex_tokens %type hex_token %type hex_range %type hex_choices %type cexpression _cexpression %type literal %type item_chain %type call_args %type logical_expr %type relational_expr %type string_op %type arithm_expr %type set_match_counter %type pattern_set %type pattern_set_items %type set %type set_items %type set_access %type intersection %type pattern_handler %left PIPE %left OR %left AND %left EQ NE %left CONTAINS STARTSWITH ENDSWITH MATCHES ICONTAINS ISTARTSWITH IENDSWITH IEQUALS %left LT LE GT GE %left PLUS MINUS %left MUL DIV MOD %left IN %right NOT %left HOOK_O HOOK_C %destructor { printf("-------- Discarding symbol %p.\n", $$); } %% rules : /* empty */ | external rules | rule rules { g_content_scanner_add_rule(scanner, $1); } ; /** * Inclusion d'une règle externe. */ external : "include" PLAIN_TEXT { bool __status; __status = g_content_scanner_include_resource(scanner, $2.data); if (!__status) YYERROR; } | "include" ESCAPED_TEXT { bool __status; __status = g_content_scanner_include_resource(scanner, $2->data); if (!__status) YYERROR; } ; /** * Définition de règle. */ rule : rule_flags RAW_RULE RULE_IDENTIFIER { *built_rule = g_scan_rule_new($1, $3.data); $$ = *built_rule; } tags BRACE_IN meta bytes condition BRACE_OUT { $$ = $4; } ; rule_flags : /* empty */ { $$ = SRF_NONE; } | rule_flags rule_flag { $$ = $1 | $2; } ; rule_flag : "private" { $$ = SRF_PRIVATE; } | "global" { $$ = SRF_GLOBAL; } ; tags : /* empty */ | ":" tag_list ; tag_list : RULE_IDENTIFIER { g_scan_rule_add_tag(*built_rule, $1.data); } | tag_list RULE_IDENTIFIER { g_scan_rule_add_tag(*built_rule, $2.data); } ; /** * Section "meta:" d'une définition de règle. */ meta : /* empty */ | "meta" ":" | "meta" ":" meta_list ; meta_list : meta_info | meta_list meta_info ; meta_info : INFO_KEY "=" "true" | INFO_KEY "=" "false" | INFO_KEY "=" SIGNED_INTEGER | INFO_KEY "=" UNSIGNED_INTEGER | INFO_KEY "=" PLAIN_TEXT | INFO_KEY "=" ESCAPED_TEXT ; /** * Section "bytes:" d'une définition de règle. */ bytes : /* empty */ | "bytes" ":" | "bytes" ":" bytes_decls ; bytes_decls : str_pattern { if ($1 == NULL) YYERROR; g_scan_rule_add_local_variable(*built_rule, $1); g_object_unref(G_OBJECT($1)); } | hex_pattern { if ($1 == NULL) YYERROR; g_scan_rule_add_local_variable(*built_rule, $1); g_object_unref(G_OBJECT($1)); } | regex_pattern { // TODO } | bytes_decls str_pattern { if ($2 == NULL) YYERROR; g_scan_rule_add_local_variable(*built_rule, $2); g_object_unref(G_OBJECT($2)); } | bytes_decls hex_pattern { if ($2 == NULL) YYERROR; g_scan_rule_add_local_variable(*built_rule, $2); g_object_unref(G_OBJECT($2)); } | bytes_decls regex_pattern { // TODO } ; /** * Définition de motif en texte brut. */ str_pattern : BYTES_ID ASSIGN PLAIN_TEXT modifiers str_flags { GScanTokenNode *node; node = g_scan_token_node_plain_new(&$3, $4, $5); $$ = g_scan_plain_bytes_new(node); g_search_pattern_set_name($$, $1.data, $1.len); g_object_unref(G_OBJECT(node)); } | BYTES_ID ASSIGN ESCAPED_TEXT modifiers str_flags { GScanTokenNode *node; node = g_scan_token_node_plain_new($3, $4, $5); $$ = g_scan_plain_bytes_new(node); g_search_pattern_set_name($$, $1.data, $1.len); g_object_unref(G_OBJECT(node)); } ; /** * Prise en charge des modificateurs. */ modifiers : /* empty */ { $$ = NULL; } | _modifiers { $$ = $1; // if (...) useless } ; _modifiers : mod_stage { $$ = $1; } | chained_modifiers { $$ = $1; } ; chained_modifiers : _modifiers "|" _modifiers ; mod_stage : modifier { $$ = $1; } | mod_stage modifier { bool status; if (G_IS_SCAN_MODIFIER_LIST($1)) $$ = $1; else { $$ = g_scan_modifier_list_new(); g_scan_modifier_list_add(G_SCAN_MODIFIER_LIST($$), $1); } status = g_scan_modifier_list_add(G_SCAN_MODIFIER_LIST($$), $2); if (!status) { if (1) log_simple_message(LMT_WARNING, "modifier already taken into account!"); g_object_unref(G_OBJECT($2)); } } ; modifier : NAME { $$ = find_scan_token_modifiers_for_name($1.data); if ($$ == NULL) { char *_msg; int _ret; _ret = asprintf(&_msg, _("Unknown modifier: \"%s\""), $1.data); if (_ret != -1) { raise_error(_msg); free(_msg); } YYERROR; } } | "(" chained_modifiers ")" { $$ = $2; } ; /** * Prise en charge des fanions pour texte. */ str_flags : /* empty */ { $$ = SPNF_NONE; } | str_flags "nocase" { $$ = $1 | SPNF_CASE_INSENSITIVE; } | str_flags "fullword" { $$ = $1 | SPNF_FULLWORD; } | str_flags "private" { $$ = $1 | SPNF_PRIVATE; } ; /** * Définition de motif en hexadécimal. */ hex_pattern : BYTES_ID ASSIGN hex_tokens { $$ = g_scan_hex_bytes_new($3, false); g_search_pattern_set_name($$, $1.data, $1.len); } | BYTES_ID ASSIGN hex_tokens "private" { $$ = g_scan_hex_bytes_new($3, true); g_search_pattern_set_name($$, $1.data, $1.len); } ; hex_tokens : hex_token { if ($1 == NULL) YYERROR; $$ = $1; } | hex_tokens hex_token { if ($2 == NULL) YYERROR; if (!G_IS_SCAN_TOKEN_NODE_SEQUENCE($1)) { $$ = g_scan_token_node_sequence_new($1); g_object_unref(G_OBJECT($1)); g_scan_token_node_sequence_add(G_SCAN_TOKEN_NODE_SEQUENCE($$), $2); g_object_unref(G_OBJECT($2)); } else { $$ = $1; g_scan_token_node_sequence_add(G_SCAN_TOKEN_NODE_SEQUENCE($$), $2); g_object_unref(G_OBJECT($2)); } } ; hex_token : HEX_BYTES { $$ = g_scan_token_node_plain_new($1, NULL, SPNF_NONE); } | FULL_MASK { phys_t min; phys_t max; min = $1; max = $1; $$ = g_scan_token_node_any_new(&min, &max); } | SEMI_MASK { size_t i; masked_byte_t byte; assert($1.tmp_values->len == $1.tmp_masks->len); byte.value = $1.tmp_values->data[0]; byte.mask = $1.tmp_masks->data[0]; $$ = g_scan_token_node_masked_new(&byte); for (i = 1; i < $1.tmp_values->len; i++) { byte.value = $1.tmp_values->data[i]; byte.mask = $1.tmp_masks->data[i]; g_scan_token_node_masked_add(G_SCAN_TOKEN_NODE_MASKED($$), &byte); } } | hex_range { $$ = $1; } | "~" hex_token { $$ = g_scan_token_node_not_new($2); } | "(" hex_choices ")" { $$ = $2; } ; hex_range : "[" "-" "]" { $$ = g_scan_token_node_any_new(NULL, NULL); } | "[" UNSIGNED_INTEGER "]" { phys_t min; phys_t max; min = $2; max = $2; $$ = g_scan_token_node_any_new(&min, &max); } | "[" UNSIGNED_INTEGER "-" "]" { phys_t min; min = $2; $$ = g_scan_token_node_any_new(&min, NULL); } | "[" "-" UNSIGNED_INTEGER "]" { phys_t max; max = $3; $$ = g_scan_token_node_any_new(NULL, &max); } | "[" UNSIGNED_INTEGER "-" UNSIGNED_INTEGER "]" { phys_t min; phys_t max; min = $2; max = $4; $$ = g_scan_token_node_any_new(&min, &max); } ; hex_choices : hex_token "|" hex_token { $$ = g_scan_token_node_choice_new(); g_scan_token_node_choice_add(G_SCAN_TOKEN_NODE_CHOICE($$), $1); g_object_unref(G_OBJECT($1)); g_scan_token_node_choice_add(G_SCAN_TOKEN_NODE_CHOICE($$), $3); g_object_unref(G_OBJECT($3)); } | hex_choices "|" hex_token { $$ = $1; g_scan_token_node_choice_add(G_SCAN_TOKEN_NODE_CHOICE($$), $3); g_object_unref(G_OBJECT($3)); } ; /** * Définition de motif sous forme d'expression régulière */ regex_pattern : BYTES_ID ASSIGN regex_tokens { } ; regex_tokens : regex_token { } | regex_tokens regex_token { } | "(" regex_tokens_list ")" { printf("regex -- OR --\n"); } | regex_tokens "(" regex_tokens_list ")" { printf("regex -- OR --\n"); } ; regex_tokens_list : regex_tokens | regex_tokens_list "|" regex_tokens ; regex_token : _regex_token { } | _regex_token regex_repeat { } ; _regex_token : DOT { printf("reg dot!\n"); } | REGEX_BYTES { printf("reg bytes: '%s' (l=%zu)\n", $1->data, $1->len); } | REGEX_CLASSES { printf("reg class!\n"); } | "[" REGEX_RANGE "]" { printf("reg range!\n"); } ; regex_repeat : "*" { printf(" .. repeat: *\n"); } | "+" { printf(" .. repeat: +\n"); } | "?" { printf(" .. repeat: ?\n"); } | "{" UNSIGNED_INTEGER "}" { printf(" .. repeat {%llu}\n", $2); } | "{" UNSIGNED_INTEGER "," "}" { printf(" .. repeat {%llu,}\n", $2); } | "{" "," UNSIGNED_INTEGER "}" { printf(" .. repeat {,%llu}\n", $3); } | "{" UNSIGNED_INTEGER "," UNSIGNED_INTEGER "}" { printf(" .. repeat {%llu,%llu}\n", $2, $4); } ; /** * Définition des conditions. */ condition : CONDITION COLON cexpression { g_scan_rule_set_match_condition(*built_rule, $3); g_object_unref(G_OBJECT($3)); } ; cexpression : _cexpression { $$ = $1; if ($$ == NULL) { printf("ERROR !!!\n"); YYERROR; } } _cexpression : literal { $$ = $1; } | item_chain { $$ = $1; } | logical_expr { $$ = $1; } | relational_expr { $$ = $1; } | string_op { $$ = $1; } | arithm_expr { $$ = $1; } | set_match_counter { $$ = $1; } | set { $$ = $1; } | set_access { $$ = $1; } | intersection { $$ = $1; } | pattern_handler { $$ = $1; } | "(" cexpression ")" { $$ = $2; } ; literal : "true" { $$ = g_scan_literal_expression_new(LVT_BOOLEAN, (bool []){ true }); } | "false" { $$ = g_scan_literal_expression_new(LVT_BOOLEAN, (bool []){ false }); } | SIGNED_INTEGER { $$ = g_scan_literal_expression_new(LVT_SIGNED_INTEGER, &$1); } | UNSIGNED_INTEGER { $$ = g_scan_literal_expression_new(LVT_UNSIGNED_INTEGER, &$1); } | UNSIGNED_INTEGER KB { unsigned long long __converted; __converted = $1 * 1024; $$ = g_scan_literal_expression_new(LVT_UNSIGNED_INTEGER, &__converted); } | UNSIGNED_INTEGER MB { unsigned long long __converted; __converted = $1 * 1048576; $$ = g_scan_literal_expression_new(LVT_UNSIGNED_INTEGER, &__converted); } | UNSIGNED_INTEGER GB { unsigned long long __converted; __converted = $1 * 1073741824; $$ = g_scan_literal_expression_new(LVT_UNSIGNED_INTEGER, &__converted); } | STRING { $$ = g_scan_literal_expression_new(LVT_STRING, &$1); } ; item_chain : NAME { $$ = g_scan_named_access_new(&$1); } | NAME "(" ")" { $$ = g_scan_pending_call_new(&$1, NULL, 0); } | NAME "(" call_args ")" { size_t __i; $$ = g_scan_pending_call_new(&$1, $3.args, $3.count); for (__i = 0; __i < $3.count; __i++) g_object_unref(G_OBJECT($3.args[__i])); free($3.args); } | item_chain "." NAME { GScanExpression *__next; __next = g_scan_named_access_new(&$3); g_scan_named_access_attach_next(G_SCAN_NAMED_ACCESS($1), G_SCAN_NAMED_ACCESS(__next)); $$ = $1; } | item_chain "." NAME "(" ")" { GScanExpression *__next; __next = g_scan_pending_call_new(&$3, NULL, 0); g_scan_named_access_attach_next(G_SCAN_NAMED_ACCESS($1), G_SCAN_NAMED_ACCESS(__next)); $$ = $1; } | item_chain "." NAME "(" call_args ")" { GScanExpression *__next; size_t __i; __next = g_scan_pending_call_new(&$3, $5.args, $5.count); for (__i = 0; __i < $5.count; __i++) g_object_unref(G_OBJECT($5.args[__i])); free($5.args); g_scan_named_access_attach_next(G_SCAN_NAMED_ACCESS($1), G_SCAN_NAMED_ACCESS(__next)); $$ = $1; } ; call_args : cexpression { $$.count = 1; $$.args = malloc(sizeof(GScanExpression *)); $$.args[0] = $1; } | call_args "," cexpression { $1.count++; $1.args = realloc($1.args, $1.count * sizeof(GScanExpression *)); $1.args[$1.count - 1] = $3; $$ = $1; } ; logical_expr : cexpression "and" cexpression { $$ = g_scan_logical_operation_new(BOT_AND, $1, $3); } | cexpression "or" cexpression { $$ = g_scan_logical_operation_new(BOT_OR, $1, $3); } | "not" "(" cexpression ")" { $$ = g_scan_logical_operation_new(BOT_NOT, $3, NULL); } ; relational_expr : cexpression "<" cexpression { $$ = g_scan_relational_operation_new(RCO_LT, $1, $3); } | cexpression "<=" cexpression { $$ = g_scan_relational_operation_new(RCO_LE, $1, $3); } | cexpression "==" cexpression { $$ = g_scan_relational_operation_new(RCO_EQ, $1, $3); } | cexpression "!=" cexpression { $$ = g_scan_relational_operation_new(RCO_NE, $1, $3); } | cexpression ">" cexpression { $$ = g_scan_relational_operation_new(RCO_GT, $1, $3); } | cexpression ">=" cexpression { $$ = g_scan_relational_operation_new(RCO_GE, $1, $3); } ; string_op : cexpression "contains" cexpression { $$ = g_scan_string_operation_new(SOT_CONTAINS, $1, $3, true); } | cexpression "startswith" cexpression { $$ = g_scan_string_operation_new(SOT_STARTSWITH, $1, $3, true); } | cexpression "endswith" cexpression { $$ = g_scan_string_operation_new(SOT_ENDSWITH, $1, $3, true); } | cexpression "matches" cexpression { $$ = g_scan_string_operation_new(SOT_MATCHES, $1, $3, true); } | cexpression "icontains" cexpression { $$ = g_scan_string_operation_new(SOT_CONTAINS, $1, $3, false); } | cexpression "istartswith" cexpression { $$ = g_scan_string_operation_new(SOT_STARTSWITH, $1, $3, false); } | cexpression "iendswith" cexpression { $$ = g_scan_string_operation_new(SOT_ENDSWITH, $1, $3, false); } | cexpression "iequals" cexpression { $$ = g_scan_string_operation_new(SOT_IEQUALS, $1, $3, false); } ; arithm_expr : cexpression "+" cexpression { $$ = g_scan_arithmetic_operation_new(AEO_PLUS, $1, $3); } | cexpression "-" cexpression { $$ = g_scan_arithmetic_operation_new(AEO_MINUS, $1, $3); } | cexpression "*" cexpression { $$ = g_scan_arithmetic_operation_new(AEO_MUL, $1, $3); } | cexpression "/" cexpression { $$ = g_scan_arithmetic_operation_new(AEO_DIV, $1, $3); } | cexpression "%" cexpression { $$ = g_scan_arithmetic_operation_new(AEO_MOD, $1, $3); } ; set_match_counter : "none" "of" pattern_set { GScanSetMatchCounter *__counter; __counter = G_SCAN_SET_MATCH_COUNTER($3); g_scan_set_match_counter_define_expected_matches(__counter, SSCT_NONE, NULL); $$ = $3; } | "any" "of" pattern_set { GScanSetMatchCounter *__counter; __counter = G_SCAN_SET_MATCH_COUNTER($3); g_scan_set_match_counter_define_expected_matches(__counter, SSCT_ANY, NULL); $$ = $3; } | "all" "of" pattern_set { GScanSetMatchCounter *__counter; __counter = G_SCAN_SET_MATCH_COUNTER($3); g_scan_set_match_counter_define_expected_matches(__counter, SSCT_ALL, NULL); $$ = $3; } | UNSIGNED_INTEGER "of" pattern_set { GScanSetMatchCounter *__counter; size_t __number; bool __status; __counter = G_SCAN_SET_MATCH_COUNTER($3); __number = $1; __status = g_scan_set_match_counter_define_expected_matches(__counter, SSCT_NUMBER, &__number); if (!__status) { char *_msg; int _ret; _ret = asprintf(&_msg, _("Expected matches counter too high: %zu"), __number); if (_ret != -1) { raise_error(_msg); free(_msg); } YYERROR; } $$ = $3; } ; pattern_set : "them" { size_t __count; GSearchPattern **__patterns; size_t __i; __patterns = g_scan_rule_get_local_variables(*built_rule, NULL, &__count); $$ = g_scan_set_match_counter_new(__patterns, __count); for (__i = 0; __i < __count; __i++) g_object_unref(G_OBJECT(__patterns[__i])); free(__patterns); } | "(" pattern_set_items ")" { $$ = $2; } ; pattern_set_items : BYTES_ID { GSearchPattern *__pat; __pat = g_scan_rule_get_local_variable(*built_rule, $1.data); if (__pat == NULL) { char *_msg; int _ret; _ret = asprintf(&_msg, _("Pattern not found: \"%s\""), $1.data); if (_ret != -1) { raise_error(_msg); free(_msg); } YYERROR; } $$ = g_scan_set_match_counter_new((GSearchPattern *[]) { __pat }, 1); g_object_unref(G_OBJECT(__pat)); } | BYTES_FUZZY_ID { size_t __count; GSearchPattern **__patterns; size_t __i; __patterns = g_scan_rule_get_local_variables(*built_rule, $1.data, &__count); if (__count == 0) { char *_msg; int _ret; _ret = asprintf(&_msg, _("Patterns not found: \"%s\""), $1.data); if (_ret != -1) { raise_error(_msg); free(_msg); } YYERROR; } $$ = g_scan_set_match_counter_new(__patterns, __count); for (__i = 0; __i < __count; __i++) g_object_unref(G_OBJECT(__patterns[__i])); free(__patterns); } | pattern_set_items "," BYTES_ID { GSearchPattern *__pat; GScanSetMatchCounter *__counter; __pat = g_scan_rule_get_local_variable(*built_rule, $3.data); if (__pat == NULL) { char *_msg; int _ret; _ret = asprintf(&_msg, _("Pattern not found: \"%s\""), $3.data); if (_ret != -1) { raise_error(_msg); free(_msg); } YYERROR; } __counter = G_SCAN_SET_MATCH_COUNTER($1); g_scan_set_match_counter_add_extra_patterns(__counter, (GSearchPattern *[]) { __pat }, 1); g_object_unref(G_OBJECT(__pat)); $$ = $1; } | pattern_set_items "," BYTES_FUZZY_ID { size_t __count; GSearchPattern **__patterns; GScanSetMatchCounter *__counter; size_t __i; __patterns = g_scan_rule_get_local_variables(*built_rule, $3.data, &__count); if (__count == 0) { char *_msg; int _ret; _ret = asprintf(&_msg, _("Patterns not found: \"%s\""), $3.data); if (_ret != -1) { raise_error(_msg); free(_msg); } YYERROR; } __counter = G_SCAN_SET_MATCH_COUNTER($1); g_scan_set_match_counter_add_extra_patterns(__counter, __patterns, __count); for (__i = 0; __i < __count; __i++) g_object_unref(G_OBJECT(__patterns[__i])); free(__patterns); $$ = $1; } ; set : "(" ")" { $$ = g_scan_generic_set_new(); } | "(" cexpression "," ")" { $$ = g_scan_generic_set_new(); g_scan_generic_set_add_item(G_SCAN_GENERIC_SET($$), $2); g_object_unref(G_OBJECT($2)); } | "(" set_items ")" { $$ = $2; } ; set_items : cexpression "," cexpression { $$ = g_scan_generic_set_new(); g_scan_generic_set_add_item(G_SCAN_GENERIC_SET($$), $1); g_object_unref(G_OBJECT($1)); g_scan_generic_set_add_item(G_SCAN_GENERIC_SET($$), $3); g_object_unref(G_OBJECT($3)); } | set_items "," cexpression { $$ = $1; g_scan_generic_set_add_item(G_SCAN_GENERIC_SET($$), $3); g_object_unref(G_OBJECT($3)); } ; set_access : cexpression "[" cexpression "]" { $$ = g_scan_set_item_new($1, $3); g_object_unref(G_OBJECT($1)); g_object_unref(G_OBJECT($3)); } ; intersection : cexpression "in" cexpression { $$ = g_scan_sets_intersection_new($1, $3); g_object_unref(G_OBJECT($1)); g_object_unref(G_OBJECT($3)); } ; pattern_handler : BYTES_ID { GSearchPattern *__pat; __pat = g_scan_rule_get_local_variable(*built_rule, $1.data); if (__pat == NULL) $$ = NULL; else { $$ = g_scan_pattern_handler_new(__pat, SHT_RAW); g_object_unref(G_OBJECT(__pat)); } } | BYTES_ID_COUNTER { GSearchPattern *__pat; __pat = g_scan_rule_get_local_variable(*built_rule, $1.data); if (__pat == NULL) $$ = NULL; else { $$ = g_scan_match_counter_new(__pat); g_object_unref(G_OBJECT(__pat)); } } | BYTES_ID_START { GSearchPattern *__pat; __pat = g_scan_rule_get_local_variable(*built_rule, $1.data); if (__pat == NULL) $$ = NULL; else { $$ = g_scan_pattern_handler_new(__pat, SHT_START); g_object_unref(G_OBJECT(__pat)); } } | BYTES_ID_LENGTH { GSearchPattern *__pat; __pat = g_scan_rule_get_local_variable(*built_rule, $1.data); if (__pat == NULL) $$ = NULL; else { $$ = g_scan_pattern_handler_new(__pat, SHT_LENGTH); g_object_unref(G_OBJECT(__pat)); } } | BYTES_ID_END { GSearchPattern *__pat; __pat = g_scan_rule_get_local_variable(*built_rule, $1.data); if (__pat == NULL) $$ = NULL; else { $$ = g_scan_pattern_handler_new(__pat, SHT_END); g_object_unref(G_OBJECT(__pat)); } } ; %% /****************************************************************************** * * * Paramètres : scanner = décodeur impliqué dans le processus. * * temp = zone de travail à destination des lectures. * * msg = message d'erreur. * * * * Description : Affiche un message d'erreur suite à l'analyse en échec. * * * * Retour : 0 * * * * Remarques : - * * * ******************************************************************************/ static int yyerror(GContentScanner *scanner, yyscan_t yyscanner, GScanRule **built_rule, sized_string_t *tmp_0, sized_string_t *tmp_1, void/*GBytesPattern*/ **built_pattern, char **buf, size_t *allocated, size_t *used, char *msg) { printf("YYERROR line %d: %s\n", yyget_lineno(yyscanner), msg); return 0; } /****************************************************************************** * * * Paramètres : scanner = chercheur de motifs à préparer. * * text = définitions des règles à charger. * * length = longueur de ces définitions. * * * * Description : Complète une recherche de motifs avec des règles. * * * * Retour : Bilan à retourner. * * * * Remarques : - * * * ******************************************************************************/ bool process_rules_definitions(GContentScanner *scanner, const char *text, size_t length) { bool result; /* Bilan à renvoyer */ GScanRule *built_rule; /* Règle en construction */ sized_string_t tmp_0; /* Zone tampon #1 */ sized_string_t tmp_1; /* Zone tampon #2 */ void /*GBytesPattern*/ *built_pattern; /* Motif en construction */ char *buf; /* Zone de travail temporaire */ size_t allocated; /* Taille de mémoire allouée */ size_t used; /* Quantité utilisée */ yyscan_t lexstate; /* Gestion d'analyse lexicale */ YY_BUFFER_STATE state; /* Contexte d'analyse */ int status; /* Bilan d'une analyse */ result = false; built_rule = NULL; tmp_0.data = malloc((length + 1) * sizeof(bin_t)); tmp_0.len = 0; tmp_1.data = malloc((length + 1) * sizeof(bin_t)); tmp_1.len = 0; built_pattern = NULL; allocated = 256; used = 0; buf = malloc(allocated * sizeof(char)); buf[0] = '\0'; rost_lex_init(&lexstate); state = rost__scan_bytes(text, length, lexstate); status = yyparse(scanner, lexstate, &built_rule, &tmp_0, &tmp_1, &built_pattern, &buf, &allocated, &used); result = (status == EXIT_SUCCESS); yy_delete_buffer(state, lexstate); rost_lex_destroy(lexstate); exit_szstr(&tmp_0); exit_szstr(&tmp_1); free(buf); return result; }