/* Chrysalide - Outil d'analyse de fichiers binaires
* symbol.h - prototypes pour la gestion des symboles dans un binaire
* Copyright (C) 2009 Cyrille Bagard
* This file is part of Chrysalide.
* OpenIDA is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* OpenIDA is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with Foobar. If not, see .
#include "../analysis/routine.h"
#include "../analysis/db/items/comment.h"
#include "../arch/instruction.h"
/* Types de symbole */
typedef enum _SymbolType
STP_DATA, /* Données brutes */
STP_ROUTINE, /* Simple morceau de code */
STP_OBJECT, /* Objet quelconque */
STP_FUNCTION, /* Simple morceau de code */
STP_ENTRY_POINT, /* Morceau de code en entrée */
STP_STRING, /* Chaîne de caractères */
STP_RO_STRING /* Chaîne de caractères */
} SymbolType;
#define G_TYPE_BIN_SYMBOL g_binary_symbol_get_type()
#define G_BIN_SYMBOL(obj) (G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE_CAST((obj), g_binary_symbol_get_type(), GBinSymbol))
#define G_IS_BIN_SYMBOL(obj) (G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE_TYPE((obj), g_binary_symbol_get_type()))
#define G_BIN_SYMBOL_GET_IFACE(inst) (G_TYPE_INSTANCE_GET_INTERFACE((inst), g_binary_symbol_get_type(), GBinSymbolIface))
/* Symbole d'exécutable (instance) */
typedef struct _GBinSymbol GBinSymbol;
/* Symbole d'exécutable (classe) */
typedef struct _GBinSymbolClass GBinSymbolClass;
/* Indique le type défini pour un symbole d'exécutable. */
GType g_binary_symbol_get_type(void);
/* Crée un nouveau symbole d'exécutable. */
GBinSymbol *g_binary_symbol_new(SymbolType, const char *, vmpa_t);
/* Compare deux symboles d'exécutable selon leurs propriétés. */
int g_binary_symbol_cmp(const GBinSymbol **, const GBinSymbol **);
/* Fournit le type du symbole. */
SymbolType g_binary_symbol_get_target_type(const GBinSymbol *);
/* Fournit la description humaine du symbole. */
const char *g_binary_symbol_to_string(const GBinSymbol *);
/* Fournit l'adresse associée à un symbole. */
vmpa_t g_binary_symbol_get_address(const GBinSymbol *); ///////////////////
void g_binary_symbol_set_label(GBinSymbol *symbol, const char *lbl);
/* Fournit un étiquette pour viser un symbole. */
const char *g_binary_symbol_get_label(const GBinSymbol *);
/* Raffine la définition de l'emplacement d'un symbole. */
void g_binary_symbol_fix_range(GBinSymbol *, const vmpa2t *);
/* Fournit l'emplacement où se situe un symbole. */
const mrange_t *g_binary_symbol_get_range(const GBinSymbol *);
/* Définit un autre nom pour le symbole. */
void g_binary_symbol_set_alt_name(GBinSymbol *, char *);
/* Attache la routine associée au symbole. */
void g_binary_symbol_attach_routine(GBinSymbol *, GBinRoutine *);
/* Attache l'instruction associée au symbole. */
void g_binary_symbol_attach_instruction(GBinSymbol *, GArchInstruction *);
/* Fournit l'éventuelle routine associée au symbole. */
GBinRoutine *g_binary_symbol_get_routine(const GBinSymbol *);
/* Fournit l'éventuelle instruction associée au symbole. */
GArchInstruction *g_binary_symbol_get_instruction(const GBinSymbol *);
/* Ajoute un commentaire facultatif au symbole. */
void g_binary_symbol_set_comment(GBinSymbol *, GDbComment *);
/* Fournit l'éventuel commentaire associé au symbole. */
GDbComment *g_binary_symbol_get_comment(const GBinSymbol *);
* Confort pour l'ajout de symboles basés sur des formats.
#define SET_IMM_DISPLAY(_ins, _op, _idx, _dsp) \
do \
{ \
_op = g_arch_instruction_get_operand(_ins, _idx); \
g_imm_operand_set_display(G_IMM_OPERAND(_op), _dsp); \
} \
while (0)
#define ADD_RAW_AS_SYM(_fmt, _sym, _pos, _ins, _cmt, _txt) \
do \
{ \
_cmt = g_db_comment_new(_pos, _txt, true); \
_sym = g_binary_symbol_new(STP_DATA, NULL, 0); \
g_binary_symbol_attach_instruction(_sym, _ins); \
g_binary_symbol_set_comment(_sym, _cmt); \
g_binary_format_add_symbol(G_BIN_FORMAT(_fmt), _sym); \
} \
while (0)
#define ADD_STR_AS_SYM(_fmt, _sym, _ins) \
do \
{ \
_sym = g_binary_symbol_new(STP_RO_STRING, NULL, 0); \
g_binary_symbol_attach_instruction(_sym, _ins); \
g_binary_format_add_symbol(G_BIN_FORMAT(_fmt), _sym); \
} \
while (0)
#endif /* _FORMAT_SYMBOL_H */