/* OpenIDA - Outil d'analyse de fichiers binaires * gtksnippet.h - affichage d'un fragment de code d'assemblage * * Copyright (C) 2008 Cyrille Bagard * * This file is part of OpenIDA. * * OpenIDA is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * OpenIDA is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with Foobar. If not, see . */ #include "gtksnippet.h" #include #include #define CONTENT_BUFFER_LEN 64 #define MARGIN_SPACE 4 /****************************************************************************** * * * Paramètres : offset = position de l'instruction à ajouter. * * instr = instruction à représenter ou NULL. * * comment = commentaire à imprimer ou NULL. * * * * Description : Crée une ligne de représentation insérable. * * * * Retour : Struture rassemblant les informations mise en place. * * * * Remarques : - * * * ******************************************************************************/ code_line_info *create_code_line_info(uint64_t offset, asm_instr *instr, const char *comment) { code_line_info *result; /* Structure à renvoyer */ result = (code_line_info *)calloc(1, sizeof(code_line_info)); result->offset = offset; result->instr = instr; result->comment = (comment != NULL ? strdup(comment) : NULL); result->bp_set = FALSE; return result; } /****************************************************************************** * * * Paramètres : line = informations à effacer de la mémoire. * * * * Description : Supprime une ligne de représentation. * * * * Retour : - * * * * Remarques : - * * * ******************************************************************************/ void delete_code_line_info(code_line_info *line) { free(line->instr); free(line->comment); free(line); } /****************************************************************************** * * * Paramètres : a = premières informations à consulter. * * b = secondes informations à consulter. * * * * Description : Etablit la comparaison entre deux lignes de représentation. * * * * Retour : Bilan : -1 (a < b), 0 (a == b) ou 1 (a > b). * * * * Remarques : - * * * ******************************************************************************/ int compare_code_line_info(const code_line_info **a, const code_line_info **b) { int result; /* Bilan à renvoyer */ if ((*a)->offset < (*b)->offset) result = -1; else if((*a)->offset > (*b)->offset) result = 1; else result = 0; return result; } static void gtk_snippet_class_init(GtkSnippetClass *klass); static void gtk_snippet_init(GtkSnippet *cpu); static void gtk_snippet_size_request(GtkWidget *widget, GtkRequisition *requisition); static void gtk_snippet_size_allocate(GtkWidget *widget, GtkAllocation *allocation); static void gtk_snippet_realize(GtkWidget *widget); static gboolean gtk_snippet_button_press(GtkSnippet *snippet, GdkEventButton *event, gpointer *data); static gboolean gtk_snippet_expose(GtkWidget *widget, GdkEventExpose *event); static void gtk_snippet_paint(GtkSnippet *snippet); static void gtk_snippet_destroy(GtkObject *object); GtkType gtk_snippet_get_type(void) { static GtkType gtk_snippet_type = 0; if (!gtk_snippet_type) { static const GtkTypeInfo gtk_snippet_info = { "GtkSnippet", sizeof(GtkSnippet), sizeof(GtkSnippetClass), (GtkClassInitFunc) gtk_snippet_class_init, (GtkObjectInitFunc) gtk_snippet_init, NULL, NULL, (GtkClassInitFunc) NULL }; gtk_snippet_type = gtk_type_unique(GTK_TYPE_WIDGET, >k_snippet_info); } return gtk_snippet_type; } void gtk_snippet_set_state(GtkSnippet *cpu, gint num) { cpu->sel = num; gtk_snippet_paint(GTK_WIDGET(cpu)); } GtkWidget * gtk_snippet_new() { GtkSnippet *result; result = gtk_type_new(gtk_snippet_get_type()); return GTK_WIDGET(result); } static void gtk_snippet_class_init(GtkSnippetClass *klass) { GtkWidgetClass *widget_class; GtkObjectClass *object_class; widget_class = (GtkWidgetClass *) klass; object_class = (GtkObjectClass *) klass; widget_class->button_press_event = gtk_snippet_button_press; widget_class->realize = gtk_snippet_realize; widget_class->size_request = gtk_snippet_size_request; widget_class->size_allocate = gtk_snippet_size_allocate; widget_class->expose_event = gtk_snippet_expose; object_class->destroy = gtk_snippet_destroy; } static void gtk_snippet_init(GtkSnippet *snippet) { snippet->sel = 0; } static void gtk_snippet_size_request(GtkWidget *widget, GtkRequisition *requisition) { g_return_if_fail(widget != NULL); g_return_if_fail(GTK_IS_SNIPPET(widget)); g_return_if_fail(requisition != NULL); requisition->width = 80; requisition->height = 100; } static void gtk_snippet_size_allocate(GtkWidget *widget, GtkAllocation *allocation) { g_return_if_fail(widget != NULL); g_return_if_fail(GTK_IS_SNIPPET(widget)); g_return_if_fail(allocation != NULL); widget->allocation = *allocation; if (GTK_WIDGET_REALIZED(widget)) { gdk_window_move_resize( widget->window, allocation->x, allocation->y, allocation->width, allocation->height ); } } static void gtk_snippet_realize(GtkWidget *widget) { GdkWindowAttr attributes; guint attributes_mask; GdkColor white; /* Couleur de fond normale */ g_return_if_fail(widget != NULL); g_return_if_fail(GTK_IS_SNIPPET(widget)); GTK_WIDGET_SET_FLAGS(widget, GTK_REALIZED); attributes.window_type = GDK_WINDOW_CHILD; attributes.x = widget->allocation.x; attributes.y = widget->allocation.y; attributes.width = widget->allocation.width; attributes.height = widget->allocation.height; attributes.wclass = GDK_INPUT_OUTPUT; attributes.event_mask = gtk_widget_get_events(widget) | GDK_BUTTON_PRESS_MASK | GDK_EXPOSURE_MASK; attributes_mask = GDK_WA_X | GDK_WA_Y; widget->window = gdk_window_new( gtk_widget_get_parent_window (widget), & attributes, attributes_mask ); gdk_window_set_user_data(widget->window, widget); widget->style = gtk_style_attach(widget->style, widget->window); gdk_color_white(gtk_widget_get_colormap(widget), &white); gtk_widget_modify_bg(widget, GTK_STATE_NORMAL, &white); GTK_SNIPPET(widget)->layout = gtk_widget_create_pango_layout(widget, NULL); GTK_SNIPPET(widget)->gc = gdk_gc_new(GDK_DRAWABLE(widget->window)); gtk_snippet_build_content(GTK_SNIPPET(widget)); } static gboolean gtk_snippet_button_press(GtkSnippet *snippet, GdkEventButton *event, gpointer *data) { unsigned int index; /* Indice de la ligne visée */ PangoLayoutIter *iter; /* Boucle de parcours */ int y0; /* Ordonnée du haut d'une ligne*/ int y1; /* Ordonnée du bas d'une ligne */ index = 0; iter = pango_layout_get_iter(snippet->layout); for (; index < snippet->info_count; index++, pango_layout_iter_next_line(iter)) { pango_layout_iter_get_line_yrange(iter, &y0, &y1); if (y0 / PANGO_SCALE <= event->y && event->y < y1 / PANGO_SCALE) break; } pango_layout_iter_free(iter); if (event->x < (2 * MARGIN_SPACE + snippet->line_height)) { snippet->info[index].bp_set = !snippet->info[index].bp_set; /* TODO: regions */ gtk_snippet_paint(snippet); } return FALSE; } static gboolean gtk_snippet_expose(GtkWidget *widget, GdkEventExpose *event) { g_return_val_if_fail(widget != NULL, FALSE); g_return_val_if_fail(GTK_IS_SNIPPET(widget), FALSE); g_return_val_if_fail(event != NULL, FALSE); gtk_snippet_paint(widget); return FALSE; } static void gtk_snippet_paint(GtkSnippet *snippet) { GtkWidget *widget; /* Version GTK du composant */ GdkGCValues values; /* Propriétés du contexte */ GdkColor white; /* Couleur du fond */ int width; /* Largeur de l'élément */ int height; /* Hauteur de l'élément */ GdkColor red; /* Couleur des arrêts */ PangoLayoutIter *iter; /* Boucle de parcours */ unsigned int index; /* Indice de la ligne visée */ int y0; /* Ordonnée du haut d'une ligne*/ int y1; /* Ordonnée du bas d'une ligne */ widget = GTK_WIDGET(snippet); gdk_gc_get_values(snippet->gc, &values); gdk_color_white(gtk_widget_get_colormap(widget), &white); gdk_gc_set_foreground(snippet->gc, &white); gtk_widget_get_size_request(widget, &width, &height); gdk_draw_rectangle(GDK_DRAWABLE(widget->window), GTK_SNIPPET(widget)->gc, TRUE, 0, 0, width, height); gdk_color_parse("#ff0000", &red); gdk_color_alloc(gtk_widget_get_colormap(widget), &red); gdk_gc_set_foreground(snippet->gc, &red); index = 0; iter = pango_layout_get_iter(snippet->layout); for (; index < snippet->info_count; index++, pango_layout_iter_next_line(iter)) { if (!snippet->info[index].bp_set) continue; pango_layout_iter_get_line_yrange(iter, &y0, &y1); gdk_draw_arc(GDK_DRAWABLE(widget->window), GTK_SNIPPET(widget)->gc, FALSE, MARGIN_SPACE, y0 / PANGO_SCALE, snippet->line_height - 2, snippet->line_height - 2, 0, 360 * 64); } pango_layout_iter_free(iter); gdk_gc_set_foreground(snippet->gc, &values.foreground); gdk_draw_layout(GDK_DRAWABLE(widget->window), snippet->gc, 2 * MARGIN_SPACE + snippet->line_height, 0, snippet->layout); } static void gtk_snippet_destroy(GtkObject *object) { GtkSnippet *cpu; GtkSnippetClass *klass; g_return_if_fail(object != NULL); g_return_if_fail(GTK_IS_SNIPPET(object)); cpu = GTK_SNIPPET(object); klass = gtk_type_class(gtk_widget_get_type()); if (GTK_OBJECT_CLASS(klass)->destroy) { (* GTK_OBJECT_CLASS(klass)->destroy) (object); } } void gtk_snippet_set_sel(GtkSnippet *cpu, gint sel) { cpu->sel = sel; } void gtk_snippet_test(GtkSnippet *snippet) { pango_layout_set_markup(snippet->layout, "int\t80", -1); } /****************************************************************************** * * * Paramètres : snippet = composant GTK à mettre à jour. * * proc = architecture à associer au contenu. * * * * Description : Définit l'architecture à laquelle le contenu est lié. * * * * Retour : - * * * * Remarques : - * * * ******************************************************************************/ void gtk_snippet_set_processor(GtkSnippet *snippet, const asm_processor *proc) { snippet->proc = proc; } /****************************************************************************** * * * Paramètres : snippet = composant GTK à mettre à jour. * * line = informations à intégrer. * * * * Description : Ajoute une ligne dans le bloc de représentation. * * * * Retour : - * * * * Remarques : - * * * ******************************************************************************/ void gtk_snippet_add_line(GtkSnippet *snippet, const code_line_info *line) { snippet->info = (code_line_info *)realloc(snippet->info, ++snippet->info_count * sizeof(code_line_info)); snippet->info[snippet->info_count - 1] = *line; } /****************************************************************************** * * * Paramètres : snippet = composant GTK à mettre à jour. * * * * Description : Définit le contenu visuel à partir des infos enregistrées. * * * * Retour : - * * * * Remarques : - * * * ******************************************************************************/ void gtk_snippet_build_content(GtkSnippet *snippet) { char *content; /* Contenu à définir */ size_t content_len; /* Taille du contenu */ AdressMode mode; /* Affichage des adresses */ unsigned int i; /* Boucle de traitement */ char buffer[CONTENT_BUFFER_LEN]; /* Zone tampon à utiliser */ int width; /* Largeur de l'objet actuelle */ int height; /* Hauteur de l'objet actuelle */ PangoLayoutIter *iter; /* Boucle de parcours */ int y0; /* Ordonnée du haut d'une ligne*/ int y1; /* Ordonnée du bas d'une ligne */ content_len = strlen("") + 1; content = (char *)calloc(content_len, sizeof(char)); strcpy(content, ""); mode = ADM_32BITS; /* FIXME */ for (i = 0; i < snippet->info_count; i++) { if (i > 0) { content = (char *)realloc(content, ++content_len * sizeof(char)); strcat(content, "\n"); } /* Adresse */ switch (mode) { case ADM_32BITS: snprintf(buffer, CONTENT_BUFFER_LEN, "0x%08llx", snippet->info[i].offset); break; case ADM_64BITS: snprintf(buffer, CONTENT_BUFFER_LEN, "0x%16llx", snippet->info[i].offset); break; } content_len += strlen(buffer); content = (char *)realloc(content, content_len * sizeof(char)); strcat(content, buffer); /* Eventuelle instruction */ if (snippet->info[i].instr != NULL) { print_hinstruction(snippet->proc, snippet->info[i].instr, buffer, CONTENT_BUFFER_LEN, ASX_INTEL); content_len += strlen("\t") + strlen(buffer); content = (char *)realloc(content, content_len * sizeof(char)); strcat(content, "\t"); strcat(content, buffer); } /* Eventuel commantaire */ if (snippet->info[i].comment != NULL) { content_len += strlen("\t; ") + strlen(snippet->info[i].comment) + strlen(""); content = (char *)realloc(content, content_len * sizeof(char)); strcat(content, "\t; "); strcat(content, snippet->info[i].comment); strcat(content, ""); } } content_len += strlen(""); content = (char *)realloc(content, content_len * sizeof(char)); strcat(content, ""); pango_layout_set_markup(snippet->layout, content, content_len - 1); pango_layout_get_pixel_size(snippet->layout, &width, &height); snippet->line_height = 0; iter = pango_layout_get_iter(snippet->layout); do { pango_layout_iter_get_line_yrange(iter, &y0, &y1); snippet->line_height = MAX(snippet->line_height, (y1 - y0) / PANGO_SCALE); } while (pango_layout_iter_next_line(iter)); pango_layout_iter_free(iter); gtk_widget_set_size_request(GTK_WIDGET(snippet), width + 2 * MARGIN_SPACE + snippet->line_height, height); }