/* Chrysalide - Outil d'analyse de fichiers binaires * rost.c - fichier d'entrée du centre de collecte * * Copyright (C) 2023 Cyrille Bagard * * This file is part of Chrysalide. * * Chrysalide is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * Chrysalide is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ #include <assert.h> #include <getopt.h> #include <libgen.h> #include <locale.h> #include <malloc.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <i18n.h> #include "gleak.h" #include "analysis/contents/file.h" #include "analysis/scan/core.h" #include "analysis/scan/options.h" #include "analysis/scan/scanner.h" #include "analysis/scan/patterns/backends/acism.h" #include "analysis/scan/patterns/backends/bitap.h" #include "analysis/scan/patterns/backends/hyperscan.h" #include "core/core.h" #include "core/global.h" #include "core/logs.h" #include "core/paths.h" #include "plugins/pglist.h" /* Affiche des indications quant à l'utilisation du programme. */ static void show_rost_help(const char *); /* Affiche des indications sur la version courante du programme. */ static void show_rost_version(void); /* Récupère un contenu à traiter depuis l'entrée standard. */ static void *get_input_data_from_stdin(size_t *); /****************************************************************************** * * * Paramètres : name = nom du programme en question. * * * * Description : Affiche des indications quant à l'utilisation du programme. * * * * Retour : - * * * * Remarques : - * * * ******************************************************************************/ static void show_rost_help(const char *name) { char *tmp; /* Conservation modifiable */ char *base; /* Version courte du nom */ tmp = strdup(name); base = basename(tmp); printf("\n"); printf("Usage: %s [--help] [--version] [--verbosity] [options] <rules file> <file | dir>\n", base); printf("\n"); printf("\t-h --help\t\tShow this help message.\n"); printf("\t-v --version\t\tDisplay the program version.\n"); printf("\n"); printf("\t-A --algorithm=NAME\tSelect one of the available algorithms for data: acism, bitmap, hyperscan (default: acsim).\n"); printf("\t-C --check-only\t\tValidate the rule syntax without performing a scan (discard the file/dir argument).\n"); printf("\t-j --print-json\t\tPrint matching strings in JSON format instead of simple text.\n"); printf("\t-s --print-strings\tPrint matching strings (default text format only).\n"); printf("\t-S --print-stats\tPrint rules' statistics.\n"); printf("\t-g --print-tags\t\tPrint tags linked to rules on match (default text format only).\n"); printf("\t-t --tag=TAG\t\tPrint only matching rules tagged as TAG (default text format only).\n"); printf("\t-V --verbosity=level\tSet the log level (0 for all messages, %u for none).\n", LMT_COUNT); printf("\n"); printf("\t--dump-modifiers\tList all registered modifiers for string patterns.\n"); printf("\t--dump-namespaces\tExplore the root namespace with all its functions and sub-namespaces.\n"); printf("\n"); free(tmp); } /****************************************************************************** * * * Paramètres : - * * * * Description : Affiche des indications sur la version courante du programme.* * * * Retour : - * * * * Remarques : - * * * ******************************************************************************/ static void show_rost_version(void) { char *edir; /* Répertoire de base effectif */ printf("\n"); printf("-o- Chrysalide ROST r%u -o-\n", REVISION); printf(_("Last compiled on %s at %s\n"), __DATE__, __TIME__); printf("\n"); edir = get_effective_directory(PLUGINS_LIB_DIR); printf(_("Plugins library directory: %s\n"), edir); free(edir); edir = get_effective_directory(PLUGINS_DATA_DIR); printf(_("Plugins data directory: %s\n"), edir); free(edir); edir = get_effective_directory(LOCALE_DIR); printf(_("Locale directory: %s\n"), edir); free(edir); printf("\n"); } /****************************************************************************** * * * Paramètres : length = taille de la définition lue. [OUT] * * * * Description : Récupère un contenu à traiter depuis l'entrée standard. * * * * Retour : Adresse valide ou NULL en cas d'échec. * * * * Remarques : - * * * ******************************************************************************/ static void *get_input_data_from_stdin(size_t *length) { char *result; /* Espace mémoire à retourner */ ssize_t got; /* Quantité d'octets lus */ result = NULL; *length = 0; #define ALLOC_SIZE 2048 while (true) { result = realloc(result, (*length + ALLOC_SIZE) * sizeof(char)); got = read(STDIN_FILENO, result + *length, ALLOC_SIZE); if (got == -1) { LOG_ERROR_N("read"); goto exit_with_error; } *length += got; if (got < ALLOC_SIZE) break; } return result; exit_with_error: free(result); return NULL; } /****************************************************************************** * * * Paramètres : argc = nombre d'arguments dans la ligne de commande. * * argv = arguments de la ligne de commande. * * * * Description : Point d'entrée du programme. * * * * Retour : EXIT_SUCCESS si le prgm s'est déroulé sans encombres. * * * * Remarques : - * * * ******************************************************************************/ int main(int argc, char **argv) { int result; /* Bilan de l'exécution */ bool show_help; /* Affichage de l'aide ? */ bool show_version; /* Affichage de la version ? */ bool check_only; /* Validation uniquement */ LogMessageType verbosity; /* Niveau de filtre de message */ bool dump_modifiers; /* Affichage des modificateurs */ bool dump_namespaces; /* Affichage des fonctions */ GScanOptions *options; /* Options d'analyses */ int index; /* Indice d'argument */ int ret; /* Bilan d'un appel */ char *edir; /* Répertoire de base effectif */ size_t mod_count; /* Quantité de modificateurs */ char **modifiers; /* Liste de modificateurs */ size_t i; /* Boucle de parcours */ GScanNamespace *root_ns; /* Espace de noms ROST racine */ size_t items_count; /* Quantité de modificateurs */ char **items; /* Liste de modificateurs */ char *rules; /* Définition de règles */ char *target; /* Cible communiquée */ size_t rule_length; /* Taille d'un contenu */ void *rule_content; /* Contenu à traduire */ GContentScanner *scanner; /* Encadrement d'une recherche */ GBinContent *content; /* Contenu à analyser */ GScanContext *context; /* Contexte des trouvailles */ sized_string_t padding; /* Bourrage pour le JSON */ bool full; /* Détailler l'affichage ? */ #define LONG_ID(n) (0x40570000 | n) static struct option long_options[] = { { "help", no_argument, NULL, 'h' }, { "version", no_argument, NULL, 'v' }, { "algorithm", required_argument, NULL, 'A' }, { "check-only", no_argument, NULL, 'C' }, { "print-json", no_argument, NULL, 'j' }, { "print-strings", no_argument, NULL, 's' }, { "print-stats", no_argument, NULL, 'S' }, { "print-tags", no_argument, NULL, 'g' }, { "tag", required_argument, NULL, 't' }, { "verbosity", required_argument, NULL, 'V' }, { "dump-modifiers", no_argument, NULL, LONG_ID(1) }, { "dump-namespaces",no_argument, NULL, LONG_ID(2) }, { NULL, 0, NULL, 0 } }; result = EXIT_FAILURE; /* Décodage des options */ show_help = false; show_version = false; check_only = false; verbosity = LMT_COUNT; dump_modifiers = false; dump_namespaces = false; options = g_scan_options_new(); g_scan_options_set_backend_for_data(options, G_TYPE_ACISM_BACKEND); while (true) { ret = getopt_long(argc, argv, "hvA:CjsSgt:V:", long_options, &index); if (ret == -1) break; switch (ret) { case 'h': show_help = true; break; case 'v': show_version = true; break; case 'A': if (strcmp(optarg, "acism") == 0) g_scan_options_set_backend_for_data(options, G_TYPE_ACISM_BACKEND); else if (strcmp(optarg, "bitmap") == 0) g_scan_options_set_backend_for_data(options, G_TYPE_BITAP_BACKEND); else if (strcmp(optarg, "hyperscan") == 0) g_scan_options_set_backend_for_data(options, G_TYPE_HYPERSCAN_BACKEND); else g_scan_options_set_backend_for_data(options, G_TYPE_INVALID); break; case 'C': check_only = true; g_scan_options_set_check_only(options, true); break; case 'j': g_scan_options_set_print_json(options, true); break; case 's': g_scan_options_set_print_strings(options, true); break; case 'S': g_scan_options_set_print_stats(options, true); break; case 'g': g_scan_options_set_print_tags(options, true); break; case 't': g_scan_options_select_tag(options, optarg); break; case 'V': verbosity = strtoul(optarg, NULL, 10); break; case LONG_ID(1): dump_modifiers = true; break; case LONG_ID(2): dump_namespaces = true; break; } } /* Actions de base */ if (show_help) { show_rost_help(argv[0]); result = EXIT_SUCCESS; goto done; } if (show_version) { show_rost_version(); result = EXIT_SUCCESS; goto done; } if (g_scan_options_get_backend_for_data(options) == G_TYPE_INVALID) { show_rost_help(argv[0]); goto done; } /* Lancement des choses sérieuses */ setlocale(LC_ALL, ""); edir = get_effective_directory(LOCALE_DIR); bindtextdomain(PACKAGE, edir); free(edir); textdomain(PACKAGE); /* Initialisation de GTK */ g_set_prgname("ROST"); //gtk_init(&argc, &argv); /* Initialisation du programme */ set_batch_mode(); set_log_verbosity(verbosity); #define CORE_COMPONENTS (ACC_SCAN_FEATURES) if (!load_core_components(CORE_COMPONENTS)) goto done; /* init_all_plugins(true); */ if (dump_modifiers) { modifiers = list_all_scan_token_modifiers(&mod_count); for (i = 0; i < mod_count; i++) { printf("%s\n", modifiers[i]); free(modifiers[i]); } if (modifiers != NULL) free(modifiers); result = EXIT_SUCCESS; } if (dump_namespaces) { root_ns = get_rost_root_namespace(); items = g_scan_namespace_explore(root_ns, &items_count); for (i = 0; i < items_count; i++) { printf("%s\n", items[i]); free(items[i]); } if (items != NULL) free(items); result = EXIT_SUCCESS; g_object_unref(G_OBJECT(root_ns)); } if ((check_only && (optind + 0) != argc && (optind + 1) != argc) || (!check_only && (optind + 1) != argc && (optind + 2) != argc)) { if (result == EXIT_FAILURE) show_rost_help(argv[0]); goto done; } /* Réinitialisation en cas de dump... */ else result = EXIT_FAILURE; /* Traitement des recherches */ if ((optind + 0) == argc) { assert(check_only); rules = NULL; target = NULL; } else if ((optind + 1) == argc) { if (check_only) { rules = argv[optind]; target = NULL; } else { rules = NULL; target = argv[optind]; } } else { rules = argv[optind]; target = argv[optind + 1]; if (strcmp(rules, "-") == 0 || strcmp(rules, "/dev/stdin") == 0) rules = NULL; } if (rules == NULL) { rule_content = get_input_data_from_stdin(&rule_length); if (rule_content != NULL) { scanner = g_content_scanner_new_from_text(rule_content, rule_length); free(rule_content); } else scanner = NULL; } else scanner = g_content_scanner_new_from_file(rules); if (scanner != NULL) result = EXIT_SUCCESS; if (scanner != NULL && !check_only) { content = g_file_content_new(target); if (content == NULL) goto bad_file_content; context = g_content_scanner_analyze(scanner, options, content); if (context == NULL) goto bad_scan_context; if (g_scan_options_get_print_json(options)) { padding.data = " "; padding.len = 3; g_content_scanner_output_to_json(scanner, context, &padding, 0, STDOUT_FILENO); } else { full = g_scan_options_get_print_strings(options); g_content_scanner_output_to_text(scanner, context, full, STDOUT_FILENO); } g_object_unref(G_OBJECT(context)); bad_scan_context: g_object_unref(G_OBJECT(content)); bad_file_content: } g_clear_object(&scanner); g_object_unref(G_OBJECT(options)); /* Sortie */ #ifdef TRACK_GOBJECT_LEAKS remember_gtypes_for_leaks(); #endif unload_core_components(CORE_COMPONENTS); #ifdef TRACK_GOBJECT_LEAKS dump_remaining_gtypes(); #endif //exit_all_plugins(); done: return result; }