%{ #include "tokens.h" #include "../helpers.h" /* Affiche un message d'erreur suite à l'analyse en échec. */ static int yyerror(decoding_rules *, char *); %} %code requires { #include "decl.h" #include "../args/decl.h" } %union { char *string; /* Chaîne de caractères #1 */ const char *cstring; /* Chaîne de caractères #2 */ cond_expr *expr; /* Expression de déclenchement */ rule_action raction; /* Action et éléments associés */ } %define api.pure full %parse-param { decoding_rules *rules } %code provides { #define YY_DECL \ int rules_lex(YYSTYPE *yylvalp) YY_DECL; } %token IF EXPR_START EXPR_END THEN %token SEE CALL CHK_CALL UNPREDICTABLE %token NAME %token EQUAL BINVAL HEXVAL %token AND AND_LOG %token RAW_LINE %type <string> NAME %type <cstring> RAW_LINE %type <expr> rule_cond %type <string> BINVAL HEXVAL %type <raction> action %% rules_list : /* empty */ | rules_list rule rule : IF EXPR_START rule_cond EXPR_END THEN action { register_conditional_rule(rules, $3, &$6); } | action { register_conditional_rule(rules, NULL, &$1); } rule_cond : NAME { $$ = build_named_cond_expression($1); } | NAME EQUAL BINVAL { $$ = build_simple_cond_expression($1, CCT_EQUAL, $3, true); } | NAME EQUAL HEXVAL { $$ = build_simple_cond_expression($1, CCT_EQUAL, $3, false); } | NAME AND_LOG BINVAL { $$ = build_simple_cond_expression($1, CCT_AND, $3, true); } | NAME AND_LOG HEXVAL { $$ = build_simple_cond_expression($1, CCT_AND, $3, false); } | EXPR_START rule_cond EXPR_END AND EXPR_START rule_cond EXPR_END { $$ = build_composed_cond_expression($2, COT_AND, $6); } action : UNPREDICTABLE { $$.type = CAT_UNPREDICTABLE; } | CALL RAW_LINE { right_op_t rop; bool status; status = load_call_from_raw_line(&rop, $2); if (!status) YYABORT; $$.type = CAT_CALL; $$.callee = rop.func; $$.args = rop.args; } | CHK_CALL RAW_LINE { right_op_t rop; bool status; status = load_call_from_raw_line(&rop, $2); if (!status) YYABORT; $$.type = CAT_CHECKED_CALL; $$.callee = rop.func; $$.args = rop.args; } %% /****************************************************************************** * * * Paramètres : rules = structure impliquée dans le processus. * * msg = message d'erreur. * * * * Description : Affiche un message d'erreur suite à l'analyse en échec. * * * * Retour : 0 * * * * Remarques : - * * * ******************************************************************************/ static int yyerror(decoding_rules *rules, char *msg) { printf("yyerror line %d: %s\n", yyget_lineno(), msg); return 0; } /****************************************************************************** * * * Paramètres : rules = structure à constituer à partir de données lues. * * raw = données brutes à analyser. * * * * Description : Interprête des données relatives à un bloc règles. * * * * Retour : true si l'opération s'est bien déroulée, false sinon. * * * * Remarques : - * * * ******************************************************************************/ bool load_rules_from_raw_block(decoding_rules *rules, const char *raw) { bool result; /* Bilan à faire remonter */ YY_BUFFER_STATE state; /* Support d'analyse */ int status; /* Bilan de l'analyse */ state = yy_scan_string(raw); status = yyparse(rules); result = (status == 0); yy_delete_buffer(state); return result; }