import re import sys def define_PLAIN_TEXT(name, last): """Create definition for the PLAIN_TEXT token.""" print(' "<%s>": [ ["\\\"", "", "\\\""] ],' % name.lower()) print(' "": [ [""], ["", ""], ["", "", ""] ],') print(' "": [ ["0"], ["1"], ["2"], ["3"], ["4"], ["5"], ["6"], ["7"], ["8"], ["9"], ["A"], ["B"], ["C"], ["D"], ["E"], ["F"] ]%s' % (',' if not(last) else '')) def define_SIGNED_INTEGER(name, last): """Create definition for the SIGNED_INTEGER token.""" print(' "<%s>": [ ["-", ""] ]%s' % (name.lower(), ',' if not(last) else '')) def define_UNSIGNED_INTEGER(name, last): """Create definition for the UNSIGNED_INTEGER token.""" print(' "<%s>": [ [""], ["", ""], ["", "", ""] ],' % name.lower()) print(' "": [ ["1"], ["2"], ["3"], ["4"], ["5"], ["6"], ["7"], ["8"], ["9"] ],') print(' "": [ ["0"], ["1"], ["2"], ["3"], ["4"], ["5"], ["6"], ["7"], ["8"], ["9"] ]%s' % (',' if not(last) else '')) def define_BYTES_ID(name, last): """Create definition for the BYTES_ID token.""" print(' "<%s>": [ ["$"], ["$*"], [ "$", "", "" ], [ "$", "", "*" ] ],' % name.lower()) print(' "": [ ["a"], ["b"], ["c"], ["d"], ["e"], ["f"], ["g"], ["h"], ["i"], ["j"], ["k"], ["l"] ],') print(' "": [ ["0"], ["1"], ["2"], ["3"], ["4"], ["5"], ["6"], ["7"], ["8"], ["9"] ]%s' % (',' if not(last) else '')) def define_BYTES_ID_COUNTER(name, last): """Create definition for the BYTES_ID_COUNTER token.""" print(' "<%s>": [ ["#"], ["#*"], [ "#", "", "" ], [ "#", "", "*" ] ],' % name.lower()) print(' "": [ ["a"], ["b"], ["c"], ["d"], ["e"], ["f"], ["g"], ["h"], ["i"], ["j"], ["k"], ["l"] ],') print(' "": [ ["0"], ["1"], ["2"], ["3"], ["4"], ["5"], ["6"], ["7"], ["8"], ["9"] ]%s' % (',' if not(last) else '')) def define_BYTES_ID_START(name, last): """Create definition for the BYTES_ID_START token.""" print(' "<%s>": [ ["@"], ["@*"], [ "@", "", "" ], [ "@", "", "*" ] ],' % name.lower()) print(' "": [ ["a"], ["b"], ["c"], ["d"], ["e"], ["f"], ["g"], ["h"], ["i"], ["j"], ["k"], ["l"] ],') print(' "": [ ["0"], ["1"], ["2"], ["3"], ["4"], ["5"], ["6"], ["7"], ["8"], ["9"] ]%s' % (',' if not(last) else '')) def define_BYTES_ID_LENGTH(name, last): """Create definition for the BYTES_ID_LENGTH token.""" print(' "<%s>": [ ["!"], ["!*"], [ "!", "", "" ], [ "!", "", "*" ] ],' % name.lower()) print(' "": [ ["a"], ["b"], ["c"], ["d"], ["e"], ["f"], ["g"], ["h"], ["i"], ["j"], ["k"], ["l"] ],') print(' "": [ ["0"], ["1"], ["2"], ["3"], ["4"], ["5"], ["6"], ["7"], ["8"], ["9"] ]%s' % (',' if not(last) else '')) def define_BYTES_ID_END(name, last): """Create definition for the BYTES_ID_END token.""" print(' "<%s>": [ ["~"], ["~*"], [ "~", "", "" ], [ "~", "", "*" ] ],' % name.lower()) print(' "": [ ["a"], ["b"], ["c"], ["d"], ["e"], ["f"], ["g"], ["h"], ["i"], ["j"], ["k"], ["l"] ],') print(' "": [ ["0"], ["1"], ["2"], ["3"], ["4"], ["5"], ["6"], ["7"], ["8"], ["9"] ]%s' % (',' if not(last) else '')) def define_HEX_BYTES(name, last): """Create definition for the HEX_BYTES token.""" print(' "<%s>": [ ["", ""] ],' % name.lower()) print(' "": [ ["0"], ["1"], ["2"], ["3"], ["4"], ["5"], ["6"], ["7"], ["8"], ["9"], ["a"], ["b"], ["c"], ["d"], ["e"], ["f"] ]%s' % (',' if not(last) else '')) def define_FULL_MASK(name, last): """Create definition for the FULL_MASK token.""" print(' "<%s>": [ ["?", "?"] ]%s' % (name.lower(), ',' if not(last) else '')) def define_SEMI_MASK(name, last): """Create definition for the SEMI_MASK token.""" print(' "<%s>": [ ["?0"], ["1?"] ]%s' % (name.lower(), ',' if not(last) else '')) def define_KB(name, last): """Create definition for the KB token.""" print(' "<%s>": [ ["kb"], ["Kb"], ["kB"], ["KB"] ]%s' % (name.lower(), ',' if not(last) else '')) def define_MB(name, last): """Create definition for the MB token.""" print(' "<%s>": [ ["mb"], ["Mb"], ["mB"], ["MB"] ]%s' % (name.lower(), ',' if not(last) else '')) def define_GB(name, last): """Create definition for the GB token.""" print(' "<%s>": [ ["gb"], ["Gb"], ["gB"], ["GB"] ]%s' % (name.lower(), ',' if not(last) else '')) __lexer_tokens = { 'PLAIN_TEXT': define_PLAIN_TEXT, 'ESCAPED_TEXT': define_PLAIN_TEXT, 'RULE_IDENTIFIER': define_PLAIN_TEXT, 'INFO_KEY': define_PLAIN_TEXT, 'SIGNED_INTEGER': define_SIGNED_INTEGER, 'UNSIGNED_INTEGER': define_UNSIGNED_INTEGER, 'BYTES_ID': define_BYTES_ID, 'BYTES_FUZZY_ID': define_BYTES_ID, 'BYTES_ID_COUNTER': define_BYTES_ID_COUNTER, 'BYTES_FUZZY_ID_COUNTER': define_BYTES_ID_COUNTER, 'BYTES_ID_START': define_BYTES_ID_START, 'BYTES_FUZZY_ID_START': define_BYTES_ID_START, 'BYTES_ID_LENGTH': define_BYTES_ID_LENGTH, 'BYTES_FUZZY_ID_LENGTH': define_BYTES_ID_LENGTH, 'BYTES_ID_END': define_BYTES_ID_END, 'BYTES_FUZZY_ID_END': define_BYTES_ID_END, 'NAME': define_PLAIN_TEXT, 'HEX_BYTES': define_HEX_BYTES, 'FULL_MASK': define_FULL_MASK, 'SEMI_MASK': define_SEMI_MASK, 'REGEX_BYTES': define_PLAIN_TEXT, 'REGEX_CLASSES': define_PLAIN_TEXT, 'REGEX_RANGE': define_PLAIN_TEXT, 'KB': define_KB, 'MB': define_MB, 'GB': define_GB, 'STRING': define_PLAIN_TEXT, } def remove_grammar_comments(grammar): """Delete all the C code comments.""" # Cf. def replacer(match): s = if s.startswith('/'): return ' ' # note: a space and not an empty string else: return s regex = re.compile( r'//.*?$|/\*.*?\*/|\'(?:\\.|[^\\\'])*\'|"(?:\\.|[^\\"])*"', re.DOTALL | re.MULTILINE ) return regex.sub(replacer, grammar) def remove_grammar_actions(grammar): """Delete all the C code handling tokens.""" remaining = '' scope = 0 string = False for ch in grammar: if ch == '{' and not(string): scope += 1 elif ch == '}' and not(string): assert(scope > 0) scope -= 1 elif scope == 0: remaining += ch if ch == '"': string = not(string) return remaining def is_upper(text): """State if a string is upper case.""" return text.upper() == text def parse_rule_definition(grammar): """Process the definition of one rule.""" result = [] regex = re.compile('(?"' % t.lower()) else: if t.startswith('"'): converted.append('%s' % t) else: converted.append('"<%s>"' % t) result.append(converted) return result def parse_rules(grammar): """Process all the rules contained in the grammar.""" tree = {} regex = re.compile('[\n\t ]*([^\n\t :]+)[\n\t ]*:([^;]+);') rules = regex.findall(grammar) first = True for r in rules: if first: print(' "": [ ["<%s>"] ],' % r[0]) first = False definitions = parse_rule_definition(r[1]) tree[r[0]] = definitions return tree def simplify_tree(tree): """Remove nodes which only are links between two levels of nodes.""" """ a = [ [b] ] b = [ [c], [d] ] -> replace a by b """ # Examples: cexpression, modifier_arg replaced = {} for k, v in tree.items(): if len(v) == 1 and len(v[0]) == 1: replaced['"<%s>"' % k] = v[0][0] new_tree = {} for k, v in tree.items(): name = '"<%s>"' % k if not(name in replaced.keys()): new_v = [] for vv in v: new_vv = vv for rk, rv in replaced.items(): new_vv = list(map(lambda x: x.replace(rk, rv), new_vv)) new_v.append(new_vv) new_tree[k] = new_v return new_tree def find_direct_parent_nodes(tree, name): """Find all the rules containing a rule.""" rules = [] name = '"<%s>"' % name for k, v in tree.items(): for vv in v: if len(vv) == 1 and vv[0] == name and not(k in rules): rules.append(k) return rules def remove_indirect_left_recursion(tree): """Remove all nodes which implies indirect left recursion.""" """ a = b b = a + c -> a = a + c """ # Examples: logical_expr, relational_expr, string_op, arithm_expr, intersection replaced = {} for k, v in tree.items(): parents = find_direct_parent_nodes(tree, k) if len(parents) != 1: continue parent = parents[0] for vv in v: if vv[0] == '"<%s>"' % parent: replaced[k] = v break new_tree = {} for k, v in tree.items(): if not(k in replaced.keys()): new_v = [] for vv in v: if len(vv) != 1: new_v.append(vv) else: modified = False for rk, rv in replaced.items(): if '"<%s>"' % rk == vv[0]: new_v += rv modified = True break if not(modified): new_v.append(vv) new_tree[k] = new_v return new_tree def output_rules(tree): """Output a translated rule.""" for k, v in tree.items(): print(' "<%s>": [ ' % k, end='') first = True for d in v: if not(first): print(',', end='') if len(d) == 0: print(' []', end='') else: print(' [', end='') sub_first = True for sub_d in d: if not(sub_first): print(', ', end='') print('%s' % sub_d, end='') sub_first = False print(']', end='') first = False print(' ],') if __name__ == '__main__': """Script entrypoint.""" # Cf. with open(sys.argv[1], 'r') as fd: grammar = grammar = grammar.split('%%')[1] grammar = remove_grammar_comments(grammar) grammar = remove_grammar_actions(grammar) print('{') tree = parse_rules(grammar) tree = simplify_tree(tree) tree = remove_indirect_left_recursion(tree) output_rules(tree) count = len(__lexer_tokens.keys()) for name, cb in __lexer_tokens.items(): cb(name, count == 1) count -= 1 print('}')