%{ #include <fcntl.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <sys/mman.h> #include <sys/stat.h> #include "decl.h" #include "tokens.h" /* Affiche un message d'erreur suite à l'analyse en échec. */ static int yyerror(yyscan_t, const char *); /* Initialise une amorce de copie. */ static void init_dump(sz_str_t *, const sz_cst_str_t *); #define init_dump_with_fixed(d, s) \ init_dump(d, (sz_cst_str_t []) { { .data = s, .len = sizeof(s) - 1 } }) /* Complète une chaîne de caractères avec une autre. */ static void add_to_dump(sz_str_t *, const sz_cst_str_t *); #define add_fixed_to_dump(d, s) \ add_to_dump(d, (sz_cst_str_t []) { { .data = s, .len = sizeof(s) - 1 } }) #define add_dyn_to_dump(d, s) \ do \ { \ add_to_dump(d, (sz_cst_str_t *)s); \ free((s)->data); \ } \ while (0) /* Imprime une bribe de définition formant une règle ROST. */ void dump_string(const char *, size_t); #define dump_fixed_string(s) \ dump_string(s, sizeof(s) - 1) %} %code requires { #include <stdbool.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include "enums.h" #define YY_TYPEDEF_YY_SCANNER_T typedef void *yyscan_t; typedef struct _sz_str_t { char *data; size_t len; } sz_str_t; typedef struct _sz_cst_str_t { char *data; size_t len; } sz_cst_str_t; } %union { sz_str_t string; /* Chaîne de caractères #1 */ sz_cst_str_t cstring; /* Chaîne de caractères #2 */ RuleFlags rule_flags; /* Fanions pour règle */ StringExtraFlags string_flags; /* Fanions pour motif */ } %expect 1 %define api.pure full %define parse.error verbose %parse-param { yyscan_t yyscanner } %lex-param { yyscan_t yyscanner } %code provides { #define YY_DECL \ int yara2rost_lex(YYSTYPE *yylval_param, yyscan_t yyscanner) YY_DECL; } %token COLON ":" %token CURLY_BRACKET_O "{" %token CURLY_BRACKET_C "}" %token EQUAL "=" %token PAREN_O "(" %token PAREN_C ")" %token DOT_DOT ".." %token COMMA "," %token BRACKET_O "[" %token BRACKET_C "]" %token PERCENT "%" %token DOT "." %token ADD_OP "+" %token SUB_OP "-" %token MUL_OP "*" %token DIV_OP "\\" %token EOR_OP "^" %token AND_OP "&" %token OR_OP "|" %token INV_OP "~" %token SHIFT_LEFT_OP "<<" %token SHIFT_RIGHT_OP ">>" %token LT "<" %token GT ">" %token LE "<=" %token GE ">=" %token EQ "==" %token NEQ "!=" %token ALL "all" %token AND "and" %token ANY "any" %token ASCII "ascii" %token AT "at" %token BASE64 "base64" %token BASE64WIDE "base64wide" %token CONDITION "condition" %token CONTAINS "contains" %token DEFINED "defined" %token ENDSWITH "endswith" %token ENTRYPOINT "entrypoint" %token FILESIZE "filesize" %token FOR "for" %token FULLWORD "fullword" %token GLOBAL "global" %token ICONTAINS "icontains" %token IENDSWITH "iendswith" %token IEQUALS "iequals" %token IMPORT "import" %token IN "in" %token INCLUDE "include" %token ISTARTSWITH "istartswith" %token MATCHES "matches" %token META "meta" %token NOCASE "nocase" %token NONE "none" %token NOT "not" %token OF "of" %token OR "or" %token PRIVATE "private" %token RULE "rule" %token STARTSWITH "startswith" %token STRINGS "strings" %token THEM "them" %token WIDE "wide" %token XOR "xor" %token _FALSE "false" %token _TRUE "true" %token STRING_IDENTIFIER_WITH_WILDCARD %token STRING_IDENTIFIER %token STRING_COUNT %token STRING_OFFSET %token STRING_LENGTH %token INTEGER_FUNCTION %token IDENTIFIER %token NUMBER %token DOUBLE %token TEXT_STRING %token REGEXP %token HEX_STRING %type <cstring> STRING_IDENTIFIER_WITH_WILDCARD %type <cstring> STRING_IDENTIFIER %type <cstring> STRING_COUNT %type <cstring> STRING_OFFSET %type <cstring> STRING_LENGTH %type <cstring> INTEGER_FUNCTION %type <cstring> IDENTIFIER %type <cstring> NUMBER %type <cstring> DOUBLE %type <cstring> TEXT_STRING %type <cstring> REGEXP %type <cstring> HEX_STRING %type <rule_flags> rule_modifiers %type <rule_flags> rule_modifier %type <string_flags> string_modifiers %type <string_flags> string_modifier %type <string_flags> regexp_modifiers %type <string_flags> regexp_modifier %type <string_flags> hex_modifiers %type <string_flags> hex_modifier %type <string> boolean_expression %type <string> identifier %type <string> arguments %type <string> arguments_list %type <string> expression %type <string> for_iteration %type <string> for_variables %type <string> iterator %type <string> set %type <string> range %type <string> enumeration %type <string> string_iterator %type <string> string_set %type <string> string_enumeration %type <string> string_enumeration_item %type <string> rule_set %type <string> rule_enumeration %type <string> rule_enumeration_item %type <string> for_expression %type <string> for_quantifier %type <string> primary_expression %type <string> regexp %left OR %left AND %right NOT DEFINED %left EQ NEQ CONTAINS ICONTAINS STARTSWITH ENDSWITH ISTARTSWITH IENDSWITH IEQUALS MATCHES %left LT LE GT GE %left OR_OP %left EOR_OP %left AND_OP %left SHIFT_LEFT_OP SHIFT_RIGHT_OP %left ADD_OP SUB_OP %left MUL_OP DIV_OP PERCENT %right INV_OP UNARY_MINUS %% rules : /* empty */ | rules include | rules import | rules rule ; include : "include" TEXT_STRING { dump_fixed_string("include "); dump_string($2.data, $2.len); dump_fixed_string("\n"); } ; import : "import" TEXT_STRING { dump_fixed_string("/* import "); dump_string($2.data, $2.len); dump_fixed_string(" */\n"); } ; rule : rule_modifiers "rule" IDENTIFIER { if ($1 != RULE_FLAGS_NONE) { if ($1 & RULE_FLAGS_PRIVATE) { dump_fixed_string("private"); dump_fixed_string(" "); } if ($1 & RULE_FLAGS_GLOBAL) { dump_fixed_string("global"); dump_fixed_string(" "); } } dump_fixed_string("rule "); dump_string($3.data, $3.len); } tags "{" { dump_fixed_string(" {\n"); } meta strings condition "}" { dump_fixed_string("}\n"); } ; rule_modifiers : /* empty */ { $$ = RULE_FLAGS_NONE; } | rule_modifiers rule_modifier { $$ = $1 | $2; } ; rule_modifier : "private" { $$ = RULE_FLAGS_PRIVATE; } | "global" { $$ = RULE_FLAGS_GLOBAL; } ; tags : /* empty */ | ":" { dump_fixed_string(" :"); } tag_list ; tag_list : IDENTIFIER { dump_fixed_string(" "); dump_string($1.data, $1.len); } | tag_list IDENTIFIER { dump_fixed_string(" "); dump_string($2.data, $2.len); } ; /** * Section "meta:" */ meta : /* empty */ | "meta" ":" { dump_fixed_string("\n "); dump_fixed_string("meta:\n"); } meta_declarations ; meta_declarations : meta_declaration { dump_fixed_string("\n"); } | meta_declarations meta_declaration { dump_fixed_string("\n"); } ; meta_declaration : IDENTIFIER "=" TEXT_STRING { dump_fixed_string(" "); dump_string($1.data, $1.len); dump_fixed_string(" = "); dump_string($3.data, $3.len); } | IDENTIFIER "=" NUMBER { dump_fixed_string(" "); dump_string($1.data, $1.len); dump_fixed_string(" = "); dump_string($3.data, $3.len); } | IDENTIFIER "=" "-" NUMBER { dump_fixed_string(" "); dump_string($1.data, $1.len); dump_fixed_string(" = -"); dump_string($4.data, $4.len); } | IDENTIFIER "=" "true" { dump_fixed_string(" "); dump_string($1.data, $1.len); dump_fixed_string(" = true"); } | IDENTIFIER "=" "false" { dump_fixed_string(" "); dump_string($1.data, $1.len); dump_fixed_string(" = false"); } ; /** * Section "strings:" */ strings : /* empty */ | "strings" ":" { dump_fixed_string("\n "); dump_fixed_string("bytes:\n"); } string_declarations ; string_declarations : string_declaration { dump_fixed_string("\n"); } | string_declarations string_declaration { dump_fixed_string("\n"); } ; string_declaration : STRING_IDENTIFIER "=" { dump_fixed_string(" "); dump_string($1.data, $1.len); dump_fixed_string(" = "); } TEXT_STRING { dump_string($4.data, $4.len); } string_modifiers { if ($6 & STRING_FLAGS_NO_CASE) dump_fixed_string(" nocase"); if ($6 & STRING_FLAGS_FULL_WORD) dump_fixed_string(" fullword"); if ($6 & STRING_FLAGS_PRIVATE) dump_fixed_string(" private"); } | STRING_IDENTIFIER "=" { dump_fixed_string(" "); dump_string($1.data, $1.len); dump_fixed_string(" = "); } REGEXP { dump_fixed_string("/"); dump_string($4.data, $4.len); } regexp_modifiers { if ($6 & STRING_FLAGS_NO_CASE) dump_fixed_string(" nocase"); if ($6 & STRING_FLAGS_FULL_WORD) dump_fixed_string(" fullword"); if ($6 & STRING_FLAGS_PRIVATE) dump_fixed_string(" private"); } | STRING_IDENTIFIER "=" { dump_fixed_string(" "); dump_string($1.data, $1.len); dump_fixed_string(" = "); } HEX_STRING { dump_string($4.data, $4.len); } hex_modifiers { if ($6 & STRING_FLAGS_NO_CASE) dump_fixed_string(" nocase"); if ($6 & STRING_FLAGS_FULL_WORD) dump_fixed_string(" fullword"); if ($6 & STRING_FLAGS_PRIVATE) dump_fixed_string(" private"); } ; string_modifiers : /* empty */ { $$ = STRING_FLAGS_NONE; } | string_modifiers string_modifier { $$ = $1 | $2; } ; string_modifier : "wide" { dump_fixed_string(" wide"); $$ = STRING_FLAGS_NONE; } | "ascii" { dump_fixed_string(" plain"); $$ = STRING_FLAGS_NONE; } | "nocase" { $$ = STRING_FLAGS_NO_CASE; } | "fullword" { $$ = STRING_FLAGS_FULL_WORD; } | "private" { $$ = STRING_FLAGS_PRIVATE; } | "xor" { dump_fixed_string(" xor"); $$ = STRING_FLAGS_NONE; } | "xor" "(" NUMBER ")" { dump_fixed_string(" xor("); dump_string($3.data, $3.len); dump_fixed_string(")"); $$ = STRING_FLAGS_NONE; } | "xor" "(" NUMBER "-" NUMBER ")" { dump_fixed_string(" xor("); dump_string($3.data, $3.len); dump_fixed_string("-"); dump_string($5.data, $5.len); dump_fixed_string(")"); $$ = STRING_FLAGS_NONE; } | "base64" { dump_fixed_string(" base64"); $$ = STRING_FLAGS_NONE; } | "base64" "(" TEXT_STRING ")" { dump_fixed_string(" base64("); dump_string($3.data, $3.len); dump_fixed_string(")"); $$ = STRING_FLAGS_NONE; } | "base64wide" { dump_fixed_string(" (base64 | wide)"); $$ = STRING_FLAGS_NONE; } | "base64wide" "(" TEXT_STRING ")" { dump_fixed_string(" (base64("); dump_string($3.data, $3.len); dump_fixed_string(") | wide)"); $$ = STRING_FLAGS_NONE; } ; regexp_modifiers : /* empty */ { $$ = STRING_FLAGS_NONE; } | regexp_modifiers regexp_modifier { $$ = $1 | $2; } ; regexp_modifier : "wide" { dump_fixed_string(" wide"); $$ = STRING_FLAGS_NONE; } | "ascii" { dump_fixed_string(" plain"); $$ = STRING_FLAGS_NONE; } | "nocase" { $$ = STRING_FLAGS_NO_CASE; } | "fullword" { $$ = STRING_FLAGS_FULL_WORD; } | "private" { $$ = STRING_FLAGS_PRIVATE; } ; hex_modifiers : /* empty */ { $$ = STRING_FLAGS_NONE; } | hex_modifiers hex_modifier { $$ = $1 | $2; } ; hex_modifier : "private" { $$ = STRING_FLAGS_PRIVATE; } ; /** * Section "condition:" */ condition : "condition" ":" boolean_expression { dump_fixed_string("\n "); dump_fixed_string("condition:\n"); dump_fixed_string(" "); dump_string($3.data, $3.len); free($3.data); dump_fixed_string("\n\n"); } ; boolean_expression : expression { $$ = $1; } ; identifier : IDENTIFIER { init_dump(&$$, &$1); } | identifier "." IDENTIFIER { $$ = $1; add_fixed_to_dump(&$$, "."); add_to_dump(&$$, &$3); } | identifier "[" primary_expression "]" { $$ = $1; add_fixed_to_dump(&$$, "["); add_dyn_to_dump(&$$, &$3); add_fixed_to_dump(&$$, "]"); } | identifier "(" arguments ")" { $$ = $1; add_fixed_to_dump(&$$, "("); if ($3.len > 0) add_dyn_to_dump(&$$, &$3); add_fixed_to_dump(&$$, ")"); } ; arguments : { $$.len = 0; /* empty */ } | arguments_list { $$ = $1; } ; arguments_list : expression { $$ = $1; } | arguments_list "," expression { $$ = $1; add_fixed_to_dump(&$$, ", "); add_dyn_to_dump(&$$, &$3); } ; expression : "true" { init_dump_with_fixed(&$$, "true"); } | "false" { init_dump_with_fixed(&$$, "false"); } | primary_expression "matches" regexp { $$ = $1; add_fixed_to_dump(&$$, " matches "); add_dyn_to_dump(&$$, &$3); } | primary_expression "contains" primary_expression { $$ = $1; add_fixed_to_dump(&$$, " contains "); add_dyn_to_dump(&$$, &$3); } | primary_expression "icontains" primary_expression { $$ = $1; add_fixed_to_dump(&$$, " icontains "); add_dyn_to_dump(&$$, &$3); } | primary_expression "startswith" primary_expression { $$ = $1; add_fixed_to_dump(&$$, " startswith "); add_dyn_to_dump(&$$, &$3); } | primary_expression "istartswith" primary_expression { $$ = $1; add_fixed_to_dump(&$$, " istartswith "); add_dyn_to_dump(&$$, &$3); } | primary_expression "endswith" primary_expression { $$ = $1; add_fixed_to_dump(&$$, " endswith "); add_dyn_to_dump(&$$, &$3); } | primary_expression "iendswith" primary_expression { $$ = $1; add_fixed_to_dump(&$$, " iendswith "); add_dyn_to_dump(&$$, &$3); } | primary_expression "iequals" primary_expression { $$ = $1; add_fixed_to_dump(&$$, " iequals "); add_dyn_to_dump(&$$, &$3); } | STRING_IDENTIFIER { init_dump(&$$, &$1); } | STRING_IDENTIFIER "at" primary_expression { init_dump(&$$, &$1); add_fixed_to_dump(&$$, " at "); add_dyn_to_dump(&$$, &$3); } | STRING_IDENTIFIER "in" range { init_dump(&$$, &$1); add_fixed_to_dump(&$$, " in "); add_dyn_to_dump(&$$, &$3); } | "for" for_expression for_iteration ":" "(" boolean_expression ")" { init_dump_with_fixed(&$$, "for "); add_dyn_to_dump(&$$, &$2); add_dyn_to_dump(&$$, &$3); add_fixed_to_dump(&$$, " : ("); add_dyn_to_dump(&$$, &$6); add_fixed_to_dump(&$$, ")"); } | for_expression "of" string_set { $$ = $1; add_fixed_to_dump(&$$, " of "); add_dyn_to_dump(&$$, &$3); } | for_expression "of" rule_set { $$ = $1; add_fixed_to_dump(&$$, " of "); add_dyn_to_dump(&$$, &$3); } | primary_expression "%" "of" string_set { $$ = $1; add_fixed_to_dump(&$$, "% of "); add_dyn_to_dump(&$$, &$4); } | primary_expression "%" "of" rule_set { $$ = $1; add_fixed_to_dump(&$$, "% of "); add_dyn_to_dump(&$$, &$4); } | for_expression "of" string_set "in" range { $$ = $1; add_fixed_to_dump(&$$, " of "); add_dyn_to_dump(&$$, &$3); add_fixed_to_dump(&$$, " in "); add_dyn_to_dump(&$$, &$5); } | for_expression "of" string_set "at" primary_expression { $$ = $1; add_fixed_to_dump(&$$, " of "); add_dyn_to_dump(&$$, &$3); add_fixed_to_dump(&$$, " at "); add_dyn_to_dump(&$$, &$5); } | "not" boolean_expression { init_dump_with_fixed(&$$, "not "); add_dyn_to_dump(&$$, &$2); } | "defined" boolean_expression { init_dump_with_fixed(&$$, "defined "); add_dyn_to_dump(&$$, &$2); } | boolean_expression "and" boolean_expression { $$ = $1; add_fixed_to_dump(&$$, " and "); add_dyn_to_dump(&$$, &$3); } | boolean_expression "or" boolean_expression { $$ = $1; add_fixed_to_dump(&$$, " or "); add_dyn_to_dump(&$$, &$3); } | primary_expression "<" primary_expression { $$ = $1; add_fixed_to_dump(&$$, " < "); add_dyn_to_dump(&$$, &$3); } | primary_expression ">" primary_expression { $$ = $1; add_fixed_to_dump(&$$, " > "); add_dyn_to_dump(&$$, &$3); } | primary_expression "<=" primary_expression { $$ = $1; add_fixed_to_dump(&$$, " <= "); add_dyn_to_dump(&$$, &$3); } | primary_expression ">=" primary_expression { $$ = $1; add_fixed_to_dump(&$$, " >= "); add_dyn_to_dump(&$$, &$3); } | primary_expression "==" primary_expression { $$ = $1; add_fixed_to_dump(&$$, " == "); add_dyn_to_dump(&$$, &$3); } | primary_expression "!=" primary_expression { $$ = $1; add_fixed_to_dump(&$$, " != "); add_dyn_to_dump(&$$, &$3); } | primary_expression { $$ = $1; } | "(" expression ")" { init_dump_with_fixed(&$$, "("); add_dyn_to_dump(&$$, &$2); add_fixed_to_dump(&$$, ")"); } ; for_iteration : for_variables "in" iterator { $$ = $1; add_fixed_to_dump(&$$, " in "); add_dyn_to_dump(&$$, &$3); } | "of" string_iterator { init_dump_with_fixed(&$$, "of "); add_dyn_to_dump(&$$, &$2); } ; for_variables : IDENTIFIER { init_dump(&$$, &$1); } | for_variables "," IDENTIFIER { $$ = $1; add_fixed_to_dump(&$$, ", "); add_to_dump(&$$, &$3); } ; iterator : identifier { $$ = $1; } | set { $$ = $1; } ; set : "(" enumeration ")" { init_dump_with_fixed(&$$, "("); add_dyn_to_dump(&$$, &$2); add_fixed_to_dump(&$$, ")"); } | range { $$ = $1; } ; range : "(" primary_expression ".." primary_expression ")" { init_dump_with_fixed(&$$, "("); add_dyn_to_dump(&$$, &$2); add_fixed_to_dump(&$$, " .. "); add_dyn_to_dump(&$$, &$4); add_fixed_to_dump(&$$, ")"); } ; enumeration : primary_expression { $$ = $1; } | enumeration "," primary_expression { $$ = $1; add_fixed_to_dump(&$$, ", "); add_dyn_to_dump(&$$, &$3); } ; string_iterator : string_set { $$ = $1; } ; string_set : "(" string_enumeration ")" { init_dump_with_fixed(&$$, "("); add_dyn_to_dump(&$$, &$2); add_fixed_to_dump(&$$, ")"); } | "them" { init_dump_with_fixed(&$$, "them"); } ; string_enumeration : string_enumeration_item { $$ = $1; } | string_enumeration "," string_enumeration_item { $$ = $1; add_fixed_to_dump(&$$, ", "); add_dyn_to_dump(&$$, &$3); } ; string_enumeration_item : STRING_IDENTIFIER { init_dump(&$$, &$1); } | STRING_IDENTIFIER_WITH_WILDCARD { init_dump(&$$, &$1); } ; rule_set : "(" rule_enumeration ")" { init_dump_with_fixed(&$$, "("); add_dyn_to_dump(&$$, &$2); add_fixed_to_dump(&$$, ")"); } ; rule_enumeration : rule_enumeration_item { $$ = $1; } | rule_enumeration "," rule_enumeration_item { $$ = $1; add_fixed_to_dump(&$$, ", "); add_dyn_to_dump(&$$, &$3); } ; rule_enumeration_item : IDENTIFIER { init_dump(&$$, &$1); } | IDENTIFIER "*" { init_dump(&$$, &$1); add_fixed_to_dump(&$$, "*"); } ; for_expression : primary_expression { $$ = $1; } | for_quantifier { $$ = $1; } ; for_quantifier : "all" { init_dump_with_fixed(&$$, "all"); } | "any" { init_dump_with_fixed(&$$, "any"); } | "none" { init_dump_with_fixed(&$$, "none"); } ; primary_expression : "(" primary_expression ")" { init_dump_with_fixed(&$$, "("); add_dyn_to_dump(&$$, &$2); add_fixed_to_dump(&$$, ")"); } | "filesize" { init_dump_with_fixed(&$$, "datasize"); } | "entrypoint" { init_dump_with_fixed(&$$, "/* entrypoint */ 0"); } | INTEGER_FUNCTION "(" primary_expression ")" { init_dump(&$$, &$1); add_fixed_to_dump(&$$, "("); add_dyn_to_dump(&$$, &$3); add_fixed_to_dump(&$$, ")"); } | NUMBER { init_dump(&$$, &$1); } | DOUBLE { init_dump(&$$, &$1); } | TEXT_STRING { init_dump(&$$, &$1); } | STRING_COUNT "in" range { init_dump(&$$, &$1); add_fixed_to_dump(&$$, " in "); add_dyn_to_dump(&$$, &$3); } | STRING_COUNT { init_dump(&$$, &$1); } | STRING_OFFSET "[" primary_expression "]" { init_dump(&$$, &$1); add_fixed_to_dump(&$$, "["); add_dyn_to_dump(&$$, &$3); add_fixed_to_dump(&$$, "]"); } | STRING_OFFSET { init_dump(&$$, &$1); } | STRING_LENGTH "[" primary_expression "]" { init_dump(&$$, &$1); add_fixed_to_dump(&$$, "["); add_dyn_to_dump(&$$, &$3); add_fixed_to_dump(&$$, "]"); } | STRING_LENGTH { init_dump(&$$, &$1); } | identifier { $$ = $1; } | "-" primary_expression %prec UNARY_MINUS { init_dump_with_fixed(&$$, "-"); add_dyn_to_dump(&$$, &$2); } | primary_expression "+" primary_expression { $$ = $1; add_fixed_to_dump(&$$, " + "); add_dyn_to_dump(&$$, &$3); } | primary_expression "-" primary_expression { $$ = $1; add_fixed_to_dump(&$$, " - "); add_dyn_to_dump(&$$, &$3); } | primary_expression "*" primary_expression { $$ = $1; add_fixed_to_dump(&$$, " * "); add_dyn_to_dump(&$$, &$3); } | primary_expression "\\" primary_expression { $$ = $1; add_fixed_to_dump(&$$, " \\ "); add_dyn_to_dump(&$$, &$3); } | primary_expression "%" primary_expression { $$ = $1; add_fixed_to_dump(&$$, " % "); add_dyn_to_dump(&$$, &$3); } | primary_expression "^" primary_expression { $$ = $1; add_fixed_to_dump(&$$, " ^ "); add_dyn_to_dump(&$$, &$3); } | primary_expression "&" primary_expression { $$ = $1; add_fixed_to_dump(&$$, " & "); add_dyn_to_dump(&$$, &$3); } | primary_expression "|" primary_expression { $$ = $1; add_fixed_to_dump(&$$, " | "); add_dyn_to_dump(&$$, &$3); } | "~" primary_expression { init_dump_with_fixed(&$$, "~"); add_dyn_to_dump(&$$, &$2); } | primary_expression "<<" primary_expression { $$ = $1; add_fixed_to_dump(&$$, " << "); add_dyn_to_dump(&$$, &$3); } | primary_expression ">>" primary_expression { $$ = $1; add_fixed_to_dump(&$$, " >> "); add_dyn_to_dump(&$$, &$3); } | regexp ; regexp : REGEXP { init_dump_with_fixed(&$$, "/"); add_to_dump(&$$, &$1); } ; %% /****************************************************************************** * * * Paramètres : yyscanner = décodeur impliqué dans le processus. * * msg = message d'erreur. * * * * Description : Affiche un message d'erreur suite à l'analyse en échec. * * * * Retour : 0 * * * * Remarques : - * * * ******************************************************************************/ static int yyerror(yyscan_t yyscanner, const char *msg) { printf("YYERROR line %d: %s\n", yyget_lineno(yyscanner), msg); return 0; } /****************************************************************************** * * * Paramètres : dst = chaîne de caractères à créer. * * src = chaîne de caractères à ajouter. * * * * Description : Initialise une amorce de copie. * * * * Retour : - * * * * Remarques : - * * * ******************************************************************************/ static void init_dump(sz_str_t *dst, const sz_cst_str_t *src) { dst->data = malloc((src->len + 1) * sizeof(char)); dst->len = src->len; memcpy(dst->data, src->data, src->len); dst->data[dst->len] = '\0'; } /****************************************************************************** * * * Paramètres : dst = chaîne de caractères à créer. * * src = chaîne de caractères à ajouter. * * * * Description : Complète une chaîne de caractères avec une autre. * * * * Retour : - * * * * Remarques : - * * * ******************************************************************************/ static void add_to_dump(sz_str_t *dst, const sz_cst_str_t *src) { dst->data = realloc(dst->data, (dst->len + src->len + 1) * sizeof(char)); memcpy(&dst->data[dst->len], src->data, src->len); dst->len += src->len; dst->data[dst->len] = '\0'; } /****************************************************************************** * * * Paramètres : string = texte à copier sur la sortie standard. * * length = longueur de ce texte. * * * * Description : Imprime une bribe de définition formant une règle ROST. * * * * Retour : - * * * * Remarques : - * * * ******************************************************************************/ void dump_string(const char *string, size_t length) { ssize_t ret; /* Bilan de l'appel */ ret = write(STDOUT_FILENO, string, length); if (ret != length) perror("write"); } /****************************************************************************** * * * Paramètres : text = définitions des règles à charger. * * length = longueur de ces définitions. * * * * Description : Parcourt des définitions de règles pour traduction. * * * * Retour : Bilan à retourner. * * * * Remarques : - * * * ******************************************************************************/ bool process_rules_definitions(const char *text, size_t length) { bool result; /* Bilan à renvoyer */ yyscan_t lexstate; /* Gestion d'analyse lexicale */ YY_BUFFER_STATE state; /* Contexte d'analyse */ int status; /* Bilan d'une analyse */ result = false; yara2rost_lex_init(&lexstate); state = yara2rost__scan_bytes(text, length, lexstate); status = yyparse(lexstate); result = (status == EXIT_SUCCESS); yy_delete_buffer(state, lexstate); yara2rost_lex_destroy(lexstate); return result; }