#!/usr/bin/python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import argparse import sys import pychrysalide from pychrysalide.analysis.contents import FileContent from pychrysalide.format.dex import DexFormat from pychrysalide.analysis import LoadedBinary _access_flags = [ [ DexFormat.ACC_PUBLIC, 'PUBLIC' ], [ DexFormat.ACC_PRIVATE, 'PRIVATE' ], [ DexFormat.ACC_PROTECTED, 'PROTECTED' ], [ DexFormat.ACC_STATIC, 'STATIC' ], [ DexFormat.ACC_FINAL, 'FINAL' ], [ DexFormat.ACC_SYNCHRONIZED, 'SYNCHRONIZED' ], [ DexFormat.ACC_VOLATILE, 'VOLATILE' ], [ DexFormat.ACC_BRIDGE, 'BRIDGE' ], [ DexFormat.ACC_TRANSIENT, 'TRANSIENT' ], [ DexFormat.ACC_VARARGS, 'VARARGS' ], [ DexFormat.ACC_NATIVE, 'NATIVE' ], [ DexFormat.ACC_INTERFACE, 'INTERFACE' ], [ DexFormat.ACC_ABSTRACT, 'ABSTRACT' ], [ DexFormat.ACC_STRICT, 'STRICT' ], [ DexFormat.ACC_SYNTHETIC, 'SYNTHETIC' ], [ DexFormat.ACC_ANNOTATION, 'ANNOTATION' ], [ DexFormat.ACC_ENUM, 'ENUM' ], [ DexFormat.ACC_CONSTRUCTOR, 'CONSTRUCTOR' ], [ DexFormat.ACC_DECLARED_SYNCHRONIZED, 'DECLARED_SYNCHRONIZED' ] ] def _build_format_string(level, suffix = None): """Build the format string for the dump tree.""" level *= 2 string = ' ' * level; string += '{0:<%d}' % (20 - level) string += ':' if suffix else '-' string += ' ' if suffix: string += suffix return string def _translate_access_flags(mask): """Build a description of access flags.""" access_desc = '' for acc in _access_flags: if mask & acc[0]: if len(access_desc) > 0: access_desc += ' ' + acc[1] else: access_desc += acc[1] return access_desc def dump_dex_class(cls, idx): """Output the content of a Dex class.""" print(_build_format_string(0).format('Class #%d' % idx)) print(_build_format_string(1, '{1}').format('Class descriptor', cls.type)) access_desc = _translate_access_flags(cls.definition.access_flags) print(_build_format_string(1, '0x{1:x} ({2})').format('Access flags', cls.definition.access_flags, access_desc)) print(_build_format_string(1, '{1}').format('Superclass', cls.super)) print(_build_format_string(1).format('Interfaces')) if cls.interfaces: counter = 0 for ifc in cls.interfaces: print(_build_format_string(2, '{1}').format('#%u' % counter, ifc)) counter += 1 print(_build_format_string(1).format('Static fields')) if cls.static_fields: counter = 0 for fld in cls.static_fields: dump_dex_field(fld, counter) counter += 1 print(_build_format_string(1).format('Instance fields')) if cls.instance_fields: counter = 0 for fld in cls.instance_fields: dump_dex_field(fld, counter) counter += 1 print(_build_format_string(1).format('Direct methods')) if cls.direct_methods: counter = 0 for meth in cls.direct_methods: dump_dex_method(meth, counter) counter += 1 print(_build_format_string(1).format('Virtual methods')) if cls.virtual_methods: counter = 0 for meth in cls.virtual_methods: dump_dex_method(meth, counter) counter += 1 print(_build_format_string(1, '0x{1:x} ({2})').format('Source', cls.definition.source_file_idx, cls.source_file)) def dump_dex_field(fld, idx): """Output the description of a Dex class field.""" print(_build_format_string(2).format('#%u' % idx)) print(_build_format_string(3, '{1:s}').format('name', fld.variable.name)) print(_build_format_string(3, '{1}').format('type', fld.variable.type)) access_desc = _translate_access_flags(fld.encoded.access_flags) print(_build_format_string(3, '0x{1:x} ({2})').format('access flags', fld.encoded.access_flags, access_desc)) def dump_dex_method(meth, idx): """Output the content of a Dex method.""" print(_build_format_string(2).format('#%u' % idx)) print(_build_format_string(3, '{1:s}').format('name', meth.routine.name)) print(_build_format_string(3, '{1}').format('prototype', meth.routine)) access_desc = _translate_access_flags(meth.encoded.access_flags) print(_build_format_string(3, '0x{1:x} ({2})').format('access flags', meth.encoded.access_flags, access_desc)) if meth.code_item: print(_build_format_string(3).format('code')) print(_build_format_string(4, '{1}').format('registers', meth.code_item.registers_size)) print(_build_format_string(4, '{1}').format('ins', meth.code_item.ins_size)) print(_build_format_string(4, '{1}').format('outs', meth.code_item.outs_size)) print(_build_format_string(4, '{1} 16-bit code unit{2}').format('insns size', meth.code_item.insns_size, 's' if meth.code_item.insns_size > 1 else '')) else: print(_build_format_string(3, '{1}').format('code', '(none)')) def dump_dex_pool(fmt): """Dump the Dex pool content.""" print(_build_format_string(0).format('Strings')) counter = 0 for s in fmt.pool_strings: print(_build_format_string(1, '{1}').format('#%u' % counter, s)) counter += 1 print() print(_build_format_string(0).format('Types')) counter = 0 for t in fmt.pool_types: print(_build_format_string(1, '{1}').format('#%u' % counter, t)) counter += 1 print() print(_build_format_string(0).format('Prototypes')) counter = 0 for p in fmt.pool_prototypes: print(_build_format_string(1, '{1}').format('#%u' % counter, p)) counter += 1 print() print(_build_format_string(0).format('Fields')) counter = 0 for f in fmt.pool_fields: print(_build_format_string(1, '{1}').format('#%u' % counter, f)) counter += 1 print() print(_build_format_string(0).format('Methods')) counter = 0 for m in fmt.pool_methods: print(_build_format_string(1, '{1}').format('#%u' % counter, m.routine)) counter += 1 print() print(_build_format_string(0).format('Classes')) counter = 0 for c in fmt.classes: print(_build_format_string(1, '{1}').format('#%u' % counter, c.type)) counter += 1 if __name__ == '__main__': """Script entry point.""" parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('-p', '--pool', help='dump the Dex pool', action='store_true') parser.add_argument('-d', '--dump', help='dump the Dex classes (default action)', action='store_true') parser.add_argument('classes', help='path to the Dex file to analyze', metavar='classes.dex') args = parser.parse_args() cnt = FileContent(args.classes) if cnt is None: sys.exit('No content to load!') fmt = DexFormat(cnt) if fmt is None: sys.exit('Failed to load the Dex format!') print('%s: %s' % (args.classes, fmt.description)) print() binary = LoadedBinary(fmt) if binary is None: sys.exit('Failed to load the binary!') status = binary.analyze_and_wait() if not(status): sys.exit('Failed to analyze the binary!') if args.pool: dump_dex_pool(fmt) else: counter = 0 for c in fmt.classes: dump_dex_class(c, counter) print() counter += 1