path: root/src/arch/operands/
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
3 daysRestore the definition of main operands.gtk4Cyrille Bagard
2022-12-29Refactor Makefiles to exclude GTK on demand.Cyrille Bagard
2021-08-14Reorganize the code for immediate operands.Cyrille Bagard
2021-01-09Changed some installation paths and included a pkgconfig configuration.Cyrille Bagard
2020-06-21Reorganized the code for target operands.Cyrille Bagard
2020-06-07Reorganized the operands behaving like proxies.Cyrille Bagard
2020-02-04Created a new interface for renamed operands.Cyrille Bagard
2020-01-15Reorganized the architecture operands.Cyrille Bagard
2018-05-28Relied on register objects as often as possible.Cyrille Bagard