path: root/plugins/python/cglimpse/
diff options
authorCyrille Bagard <>2020-12-24 16:34:38 (GMT)
committerCyrille Bagard <>2020-12-24 16:35:33 (GMT)
commit5bd15ad0d14e925d1f42ff12a1bc254de3fbdda8 (patch)
treeb68ecb23966e977bd99a2866b907c4bb7be71c67 /plugins/python/cglimpse/
parentf3578d35758ac47991806233ceba8d566160260b (diff)
Created the basics of a new panel for binary content glimpse.
Diffstat (limited to 'plugins/python/cglimpse/')
1 files changed, 158 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/plugins/python/cglimpse/ b/plugins/python/cglimpse/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f090624
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/python/cglimpse/
@@ -0,0 +1,158 @@
+import math
+from .method import GlimpseMethod
+class ShannonEntropy(GlimpseMethod):
+ def __init__(self, builder):
+ """Prepare a Shannon entropy display."""
+ super(ShannonEntropy, self).__init__(builder)
+ button = builder.get_object('shannon_color')
+ button.connect('color-set', self._on_color_set)
+ self._on_color_set(button)
+ self._step = 0x80
+ self._v_legend = 'Entropy'
+ self._h_legend = 'Byte offsets'
+ self._x_range = [ 0, 1024, 10240 ]
+ self._y_range = [ 0.0, 0.25, 1.0 ]
+ self._size = None
+ self._values = []
+ def _on_color_set(self, button):
+ """React on color chosen for the rendering."""
+ color = button.get_rgba()
+ self._color = [,,, color.alpha ]
+ self._shadow_color = [ * 0.5, * 0.5, * 0.5, color.alpha ]
+ def format_legend(self, value, vert):
+ """Build the label used for a rule."""
+ if vert:
+ text = str(value)
+ else:
+ scale = [ ' kb', ' Mb', ' Gb', ' Tb' ]
+ suffix = ''
+ for i in range(len(scale)):
+ if value < 1024:
+ break
+ value /= 1024
+ suffix = scale[i]
+ text = '%u%s' % (value, suffix)
+ return text
+ def update(self, data):
+ """Provide a description for the method."""
+ self._size = len(data)
+ step = 2 ** math.ceil(math.log(self._size / 10, 2))
+ self._x_range = [ 0, step, 10 * step ]
+ self._values = []
+ for i in range(0, self._size, self._step):
+ counter = [ 0 for i in range(256) ]
+ start = i
+ end = i + self._step
+ if end > self._size:
+ end = self._size
+ for b in data[start : end]:
+ counter[b] += 1
+ ent = 0.0
+ for c in counter:
+ if c > 0:
+ freq = c / (end - start)
+ ent += freq * math.log(freq, 256)
+ self._values.append(-ent)
+ def render(self, cr, area):
+ """Draw the bytes distribution for the current binary, if any."""
+ step = 2 ** math.ceil(math.log(self._size / 10, 2))
+ if self._size % step == 0:
+ full_size = self._size
+ else:
+ full_size = (self._size + step - 1) & ~(step - 1)
+ start = 0
+ last_x = area[0]
+ last_y = area[1] + area[3] - (area[3] * self._values[0])
+ cr.move_to(last_x, last_y + 2)
+ for i in range(0, self._size, self._step):
+ end = i + self._step
+ if end > self._size:
+ end = self._size
+ x = area[0] + ((end - start) * area[2]) / full_size
+ y = area[1] + area[3] - (area[3] * self._values[int(i / self._step)])
+ if last_y != y:
+ cr.line_to(last_x, y + 2)
+ cr.line_to(x, y + 2)
+ last_x = x
+ cr.set_source_rgba(*self._shadow_color)
+ cr.set_line_width(4)
+ cr.stroke()
+ last_x = area[0]
+ last_y = area[1] + area[3] - (area[3] * self._values[0])
+ cr.move_to(last_x, last_y)
+ for i in range(0, self._size, self._step):
+ end = i + self._step
+ if end > self._size:
+ end = self._size
+ x = area[0] + ((end - start) * area[2]) / full_size
+ y = area[1] + area[3] - (area[3] * self._values[int(i / self._step)])
+ if last_y != y:
+ cr.line_to(last_x, y)
+ cr.line_to(x, y)
+ last_x = x
+ cr.set_source_rgba(*self._color)
+ cr.set_line_width(2)
+ cr.stroke()