path: root/tools/d2c/tokens.l
diff options
authorCyrille Bagard <>2018-04-02 11:58:42 (GMT)
committerCyrille Bagard <>2018-04-02 12:39:30 (GMT)
commit1db4ef323b7a76093356ae76268132f3760e1631 (patch)
treefec36ee0ec1b6b2010b62ca4177edca0e31e2114 /tools/d2c/tokens.l
parent1bc80837dde03a32b5ab185067f7bd4c499a9850 (diff)
Rewritten the whole instruction definition format.
Diffstat (limited to 'tools/d2c/tokens.l')
1 files changed, 43 insertions, 13 deletions
diff --git a/tools/d2c/tokens.l b/tools/d2c/tokens.l
index 220e5d6..60dd257 100644
--- a/tools/d2c/tokens.l
+++ b/tools/d2c/tokens.l
@@ -14,7 +14,6 @@
%option noyywrap
-%option nounput
%option yylineno
%option stack
%option noyy_top_state
@@ -23,11 +22,12 @@
%x comments
%x ins_name try_details ins_details
-%x encoding encoding_type encoding_content
+%x encoding encoding_type encoding_content syntax_content
%x encoding_bits encoding_bits_size
-%x raw_line
+%x top_brace
+%x raw_line raw_block
@@ -52,45 +52,75 @@
<ins_details>[^\n]* { yylvalp->cstring = yytext; return INS_DETAILS; }
<ins_details>[\n] { BEGIN(INITIAL); }
+"@id" { yy_push_state(raw_line); return ID; }
-"@desc" { yy_push_state(raw_line); return DESC; }
+"@desc" { yy_push_state(raw_block); return DESC; }
-"@encoding" { BEGIN(encoding); return ENCODING; }
+"@encoding" { yy_push_state(encoding); return ENCODING; }
<encoding>[ ] { }
-<encoding>"(" { BEGIN(encoding_type); }
+<encoding>"(" { yy_push_state(encoding_type); }
<encoding_type>[A-Za-z] { yylvalp->string = strdup(yytext); return TYPE; }
<encoding_type>[0-9]+ { yylvalp->integer = atoi(yytext); return NUMBER; }
-<encoding_type>")" { BEGIN(encoding); }
+<encoding_type>")" { yy_pop_state(); }
+<encoding>"{" { yy_push_state(encoding_content); }
-<encoding>"{" { BEGIN(encoding_content); }
<encoding_content>[ \t\n]+ { }
-<encoding_content>"}" { BEGIN(INITIAL); }
+<encoding_content>"}" { yy_pop_state(); yy_pop_state(); }
<encoding_content>"@format" { yy_push_state(raw_line); return FORMAT; }
+<encoding_content>"@unused" { yy_push_state(raw_line); return UNUSED; }
<encoding_content>"@half" { yy_push_state(raw_line); return HALF; }
<encoding_content>"@word" { yy_push_state(raw_line); return WORD; }
-<encoding_content>"@syntax" { yy_push_state(raw_line); return SYNTAX; }
+<encoding_content>"@syntax" { yy_push_state(syntax_content); yy_push_state(top_brace); return SYNTAX; }
+<encoding_content>"@hooks" { yy_push_state(raw_block); return HOOKS; }
+<syntax_content>[ \t\n]+ { }
+<syntax_content>"@assert" { yy_push_state(raw_block); return ASSERT; }
+<syntax_content>"@conv" { yy_push_state(raw_block); return CONV; }
+<syntax_content>"@asm" { yy_push_state(raw_line); return ASM; }
-<encoding_content>"@conv" { return CONV; }
+<syntax_content>"@rules" { yy_push_state(raw_block); return RULES; }
-<encoding_content>"@hooks" { return HOOKS; }
+<syntax_content>"}" { yy_pop_state(); }
-<encoding_content>"@rules" { return RULES; }
+<top_brace>[ \t\n]+ { }
+<top_brace>"{" { yy_pop_state(); }
<raw_line>[^\n]+ { yylvalp->cstring = yytext; return RAW_LINE; }
<raw_line>"\n" { yy_pop_state(); }
+<raw_block>[ \t\n]+ { }
+<raw_block>"{" {
+ read_block(temp);
+ yylvalp->cstring = temp; return RAW_BLOCK;
+ }
+<raw_block>"}" { yy_pop_state(); }
<encoding_content>"{" {
yylvalp->cstring = temp; return RAW_BLOCK;
+<*>. {
+ char *msg;
+ asprintf(&msg, "Unhandled token in d2c definition: '%s'", yytext);
+ free(msg);
+ }