path: root/src/analysis/disass/disassembler.c
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2016-04-02Handled all routines disassembling processing in one place.Cyrille Bagard
2016-01-21Defined some raw primitives to write or delete comments.Cyrille Bagard
2016-01-12Used all available CPUs to compute routines limits.Cyrille Bagard
2015-12-09Avoided to throw comments too far by defining local columns managers.Cyrille Bagard
2015-11-26Used several threads without lock to disassemble binary code.Cyrille Bagard
2015-11-11Fixed most of the warnings about use of uninitialized data.Cyrille Bagard
2015-11-11Prepared the next generation of parallel processings.Cyrille Bagard
2015-09-19Extended the prototype for matching formats in order to get it suitable for p...Cyrille Bagard
2015-07-24Replaced all remaining raw accesses to binary contents with the GBinContent w...Cyrille Bagard
2015-06-12Improved loading speed with binary search of sorted arrays.Cyrille Bagard
2015-05-05Fixed a bug when creating natural execution flows.Cyrille Bagard
2015-04-25Included a new plugin to mark calls to exit() functions as return points.Cyrille Bagard
2015-04-04Detected loops in disassembled instructions once again.Cyrille Bagard
2015-04-04Updated the disassembling process order and defined ranks for basic routines.Cyrille Bagard
2015-03-31Saved some progress in the definition of basic blocks.Cyrille Bagard
2015-03-21Restored a limited but working version of basic blocks definitions.Cyrille Bagard
2015-03-18Computed limits for all routines according to existing symbols.Cyrille Bagard
2015-03-08Handle cross references as well as entry points.Cyrille Bagard
2015-02-17Defined, computed and stored the checksum in the binary content manager.Cyrille Bagard
2015-02-09Registered all the supported processors in the system code.Cyrille Bagard
2015-02-03Removed all references to binary parts (GBinPart) and updated the code.Cyrille Bagard
2015-01-26Begun to rewrite the whole plugins system.Cyrille Bagard
2015-01-04Disabled lots of debug messages and fixed some symbols related bugs.Cyrille Bagard
2014-12-31Resolved links in disassembled instructions.Cyrille Bagard
2014-08-19Added a demo symbol when loading an ELF header.Cyrille Bagard
2014-08-05Defined the first steps for a new disassembling approach.Cyrille Bagard
2014-06-25Given a name and a description for binaries, not always based on a filenames.Cyrille Bagard
2014-04-28Updated all copyright headers.Cyrille Bagard
2013-06-08Removed all usages of gdk_threads_enter()/gdk_threads_leave() in the status bar.Cyrille Bagard
2013-03-19Defined the first steps towards new graph renderings.Cyrille Bagard
2013-02-10Improved the disassembling process by handling loops in code.Cyrille Bagard
2013-01-09Fixed immediates output by defining a default column for rendering codes.Cyrille Bagard
2013-01-01Fixed the computing of basic blocks and used them in graphic views.Cyrille Bagard
2012-12-18Created a proper panel for the Android permissions in the editor.Cyrille Bagard
2012-12-16Reintroduced the delayed disassembling of binaries.Cyrille Bagard
2012-12-08Cut instructions flow into blocks (to be continued).Cyrille Bagard
2012-11-22Replaced the text of some registers (this and parameters).Cyrille Bagard
2012-08-12Cleaned the code and handled file binaries properly.Cyrille Bagard
2012-08-06Saved progress toward the Android permissions display.Cyrille Bagard
2012-08-03Loaded the permissions used by an APK file.Cyrille Bagard
2012-07-14Limited all routines using code from binary.c.Cyrille Bagard
2012-07-01Built the graph view when defining a target address.Cyrille Bagard
2012-04-01Changed various names in favour of Chrysalide.Cyrille Bagard
2012-01-11Defined new panel definitions for the editor GUI.Cyrille Bagard
2012-01-01Updated copyright dates.Cyrille Bagard
2011-10-05Supported a few more Dalvik opcodes.Cyrille Bagard
2010-12-21Redefined all existing kinds of Dalvik operands in a proper way.Cyrille Bagard
2010-12-20Begun to clean the code by moving the disassembling process into disass/.Cyrille Bagard