path: root/src/arch/
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
11 daysRestore the definition of main operands.gtk4Cyrille Bagard
2024-05-19Restore full featured Python bindings for binary contents.Cyrille Bagard
2022-12-29Refactor Makefiles to exclude GTK on demand.Cyrille Bagard
2021-12-30Create generic functions to load and store operands.Cyrille Bagard
2021-08-21Delete an unused "meta" instruction.Cyrille Bagard
2021-01-09Changed some installation paths and included a pkgconfig configuration.Cyrille Bagard
2020-06-21Reorganized the code for target operands.Cyrille Bagard
2020-06-07Reorganized the operands behaving like proxies.Cyrille Bagard
2020-02-18Relocated the raw instructions.Cyrille Bagard
2020-02-17Relocated the undefined instructions.Cyrille Bagard
2020-01-15Reorganized the architecture operands.Cyrille Bagard
2019-01-31Created Python bindings for undefined instructions.Cyrille Bagard
2018-12-07Moved some core features into plugins.Cyrille Bagard
2018-08-06Introduced some extra kinds of objects to render disassembled code.Cyrille Bagard
2018-07-19Created an interface for jumping to addresses from operands.Cyrille Bagard
2018-05-28Relied on register objects as often as possible.Cyrille Bagard
2018-05-14Created an instruction database for Chrysalide.Cyrille Bagard
2018-04-22Installed the core headers in the right place for plugins.Cyrille Bagard
2017-12-02Created a plugin for the ARM support.Cyrille Bagard
2017-10-18Created plugins for the Dex and Dalvik support.Cyrille Bagard
2017-07-12Removed the too complex memory share system.Cyrille Bagard
2017-02-14Fixed the creation of distribution tarballs.Cyrille Bagard
2016-12-14Provided an iterator for instructions.Cyrille Bagard
2016-11-27Saved memory space by sharing arch GObjects.Cyrille Bagard
2016-05-04Created special instructions for real undefined behaviors.Cyrille Bagard
2016-04-24Handled hooks and rules in Dalvik opcodes definitions.Cyrille Bagard
2016-01-12Disabled the old way to disassemble instructions.Cyrille Bagard
2015-03-31Saved some progress in the definition of basic blocks.Cyrille Bagard
2014-12-16Created operands for resolving symbols in disassembly code.Cyrille Bagard
2014-11-24Disabled old and unsupported architectures.Cyrille Bagard
2014-08-19Added a demo symbol when loading an ELF header.Cyrille Bagard
2014-06-25Built the first steps to upgrade to Python3.Cyrille Bagard
2014-05-29Removed the warnings from automake by replacing the deprecated 'INCLUDES' by ...Cyrille Bagard
2012-12-04Listed accesses to registers.Cyrille Bagard
2011-10-12Processed skipped instructions and used contexts.Cyrille Bagard
2010-11-11Built some expressions for the decompilation tree.Cyrille Bagard
2010-06-27Defined the minimal instruction size for a given architecture.Cyrille Bagard
2010-05-13Supported Dalvik VM / DEX (partially).Cyrille Bagard
2009-12-13Loaded and saved binary parts.Cyrille Bagard
2009-08-30Rendered using the GTK buffer (crappy version).Cyrille Bagard
2009-05-31Supported a new architecture (MIPS).Cyrille Bagard
2009-05-17Used only the new format of processor/instructions/operands for x86.Cyrille Bagard
2009-05-11Reorganized the way the program is built again and added partial support for ...Cyrille Bagard
2009-05-11Changed the way the program is built.Cyrille Bagard
2009-04-25Saved the current work on plugins.Cyrille Bagard
2009-04-12Created a debugging layout and introduced a heavier use of GLib.Cyrille Bagard
2009-03-14Turned off lots of warnings by using the _GNU_SOURCE compliance.Cyrille Bagard
2008-07-26Parsed x86 binary data and displayed the result.Cyrille Bagard